首页> 外文期刊>Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan >The Frequency of Sexual Intercourse without Condom with Female Sex Workers [FSW] is not Related to the Level of Sexual Satisfaction of the Husband, But Related to the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections [STIS]

The Frequency of Sexual Intercourse without Condom with Female Sex Workers [FSW] is not Related to the Level of Sexual Satisfaction of the Husband, But Related to the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections [STIS]




Background:Disharmonious sexual life often create many problems. When the sexual function of the wives is not optimum, the sexual satisfaction of the husbands, or both husband and wife, will be disturbed. These will lead husbands to do sexual intercourses with FSW without condoms. Such intercourse may cause of STIs. The aims of this study were to identify the frequency of sexual intercourse without condom with FSW related to the level of sexual satisfaction of the husband and the risk of STIs. Methods:The study applied observational analytic with cross sectional design. The accidental sampling technique, the 196 samples, comprise of husband with the following criteria: having non-menopause legal wives, regularly having sex with wives without condoms within 6 months, having sex with FSW without condom at least once in 6 months, in the family stage II standard, healthy and willing to be respondents. Data on the level of sexual satisfaction and frequency of sexual intercourse without condom was collected through interviews, data on the risk of STIs was collected with physical and laboratory check-up by medical staff. The laboratory check-up for gonorrhea was done with the Gram’s coloring, syphilis with T. Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA) and Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), genital herpes and acuminate condyloma with clinical symptoms. The result was analysed descriptively and data normality was tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the correlaton test was done with the Spearman’s rho and Chi-Square tests. Results:The result showed there was the frequency of sexual intercourse without condom with FSW the most 1 time/week 57 persons (29.10%), with STIs 10 persons (5,10%) the level of sexual satisfaction that was quite satisfied 97 persons(49.50%), and the STIs 41 persons (20,90%). The frequency of sexual intercourse without condom with FSW not related to the level of sexual satisfaction of the husbands p = 0.146 (p > 0.05). The frequency of sexual intercourse without condom with FSW related to the risk STIs p = 0.001 (p
机译:背景:不和谐的性生活常常会造成很多问题。当妻子的性功能不理想时,丈夫或丈夫和妻子的性满足都会受到影响。这些将导致丈夫在没有避孕套的情况下与FSW进行性交。这种性交可能导致性传播感染。这项研究的目的是确定不与FSW避孕套一起进行性交的频率与丈夫的性满足水平和性传播感染的风险有关。方法:本研究应用了具有截面设计的观察分析。意外抽样技术共196个样本,包括符合以下条件的丈夫:具有非更年期的合法妻子,在6个月内定期与没有安全套的妻子发生性行为,在6个月内至少有一次与FSW发生性行为而没有避孕套的情况。家庭II期标准,健康,愿意成为受访者。通过访谈收集有关无避孕套的性满足程度和性交频率的数据,并通过医务人员的身体和实验室检查收集有关性传播感染风险的数据。淋病的实验室检查是通过革兰氏染色,梅毒和梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)和静脉疾病研究实验室(VDRL),生殖器疱疹和尖锐湿疣进行的。对结果进行描述性分析,并使用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验测试数据的正态性,并使用Spearman的rho和Chi-Square检验进行相关子检验。结果:结果表明,没有使用安全套的性交频率最高的一次/每周有57人(29.10%),有性传播感染的人有10人(5,10%)的性满足程度很满意97人(49.50%),性传播感染者41人(20,90%)。不使用FSW进行安全套性交的频率与丈夫的性满足水平无关p = 0.146(p> 0.05)。没有使用FSW的安全套进行性交的频率与性传播感染的风险有关p = 0.001(p



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