首页> 外文期刊>Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana >La Formación Icaiche: Un contribuyente importante a la estratigrafía, hidrogeoquímica y geomorfología del norte de la peninsula de Yucatán, México

La Formación Icaiche: Un contribuyente importante a la estratigrafía, hidrogeoquímica y geomorfología del norte de la peninsula de Yucatán, México




The Paleogene-Eocene Icaiche Formation, which contains bedded gypsum deposits that cover an estimated minimum area of 10000 km2, is located in the southern parts of the Mexican states Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo. The formation has been little studied because it crops out in an area with limited access, few people, and little economic activity. Low population density is a consequence of the sulfate-contaminated water that is produced during weathering and dissolution of the gypsum deposits in the formation. The Icaiche Formation occupies a considerable part of the physiographic area known as the Elevated Interior Region (EIR) of the Yucatán Peninsula, which encompasses a terrain that the Maya occupied with varying success for almost two millennia and finally almost completely abandoned by about 950 CE. During their tenure, the Maya survived and at times prospered in this region of unpalatable groundwater by using and adapting natural depressions (called bajos) for water supply and, somewhat later, by using abundant impermeable local clays in construction of dams and ingenious systems for water storage and transport. Because of the relatively high solubility of gypsum, the Icaiche Formation has had an outsize influence on hydrologic and geomorphic features and groundwater geochemistry beyond where it crops out and into parts of the Yucatán Peninsula where it is present in the subsurface, particularly those places where it encounters flowing groundwater. In this study, we propose that gypsum dissolution, followed by collapse of overlying rock, was important in: 1) the formation of poljes (large, partly or completely enclosed karst basins with flat floors and interior drainage) along the east and west margins of the EIR; 2) the development of deep karst in north central Yucatán state; and 3) the formation of irregular terrains, extensive brecciation of rock, and highly varying water quality in the area at the eastern margin of the EIR (between Lake Chichancanab and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo). Argillaceous sediment released during weathering of the Icaiche Formation, perhaps mixed with siliceous components of impact deposits from the Chicxulub Impact may have affected the permeability of post-Eocene marine sedimentary rocks, perhaps including local facies of the Carrillo Puerto Formation, formed on the southeast margin of the Peninsula. The resulting rocks have markedly lower permeability than rocks of the more northerly lowlands of the Mexican portion of the Yucatán Peninsula that host a pervasive fresh water lens overlying a saline intrusion.
机译:古近纪-始新世伊卡奇地层位于墨西哥尤卡坦州,坎佩切州和金塔纳罗奥州的南部,其中包含层状石膏矿床,估计覆盖的最小面积为10000 km2。对该地层进行了很少的研究,因为它是在交通不便,人少,经济活动少的地区播种的。低人口密度是在风化和地层中的石膏沉积物溶解期间产生的硫酸盐污染水的结果。伊卡切地层占据尤卡坦半岛高架内部区域(EIR)的很大一部分地理区域,该区域包括玛雅人在近两千年中取得不同成功的地形,并最终在约950年被完全废弃。在任职期间,玛雅人幸存下来,并通过利用和适应自然洼地(称为“巴霍斯”)来供水,在这个难吃的地下水中时而繁荣,后来,在水坝的建造和新颖的供水系统中使用了不透水的本地粘土。储存和运输。由于石膏的相对较高的溶解度,伊卡切地层对水文和地貌特征以及地下水地球化学产生了巨大的影响,超出了它出土并进入尤卡坦半岛部分地区的范围,尤其是地下区域遇到流动的地下水。在这项研究中,我们认为石膏的溶解,随后覆岩的坍塌在以下方面很重要:1)沿东,西边界形成poljes(大型,部分或完全封闭的喀斯特盆地,地面平坦,内部排水)。 EIR; 2)尤卡坦州北部中部深层岩溶的发育; 3)EIR东缘地区(奇琴卡纳布湖和菲利佩·卡里略波多黎各,金塔纳罗奥州之间)形成不规则的地形,大量的岩石破裂和水质变化很大。伊卡切组风化过程中释放的泥质沉积物,可能与来自Chicxulub冲击的撞击沉积物中的硅质成分混合,可能影响了始新世后海相沉积岩的渗透性,可能包括东南边缘形成的卡里略港组的局部相半岛。所形成的岩石的渗透性明显低于尤卡坦半岛墨西哥部分的更北偏低地的岩石,后者的岩石上覆盖着盐渍入侵,处处弥漫着淡水。



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