首页> 外文期刊>Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana >Kinematic source analysis of the 2003 Tecomán, México, earthquake (Mw 7.6) using teleseismic body waves

Kinematic source analysis of the 2003 Tecomán, México, earthquake (Mw 7.6) using teleseismic body waves

机译:利用远震体波对2003年墨西哥Tecomán地震(Mw 7.6)的运动源分析



We analyze the Tecomán, Colima, earthquake (Mw 7.6) of January 22, 2003, one of the major seismic events that has occurred in the Colima-Jalisco region, México, during the last 100 years. We describe its rupture process by a classical waveform modeling of teleseismic body waves. A point source inversion indicates a shallow underthrust event (25 km); its fault plane is defined by a strike of 278°, a dip of 27°, and a rake of 78°. The source time function (STF) has a total duration of about 22 s and shows a relatively simple time history. The main moment release is preceded by a small onset of about 6.6 sec, located 17 km south of the main moment release. This precursor is associated with an initial rupture velocity of about 2.6 km/s. Slight azimuthal variations of relative source time functions (RSTF) indicate a weak directivity, probably produced by a bilateral asymmetrical rupture oriented NNE-SSW. The RSTFs confirm that the Tecomán earthquake is composed of three subevents that mainly ruptured down-dip. A finite line-source analysis along the strike and dip also confirms the orientation of the rupture propagation and shows the wide range of apparent rupture velocities along the fault. The Tecomán earthquake is an interesting case of a well-recorded event, with good quality data, but with results that are poorly constrained, which affects the uncertainty of several parameters, like directivity and hypocenter depth.
机译:我们分析了2003年1月22日在科利马州Tecomán发生的7.6级地震,这是过去100年来在墨西哥科利马-哈利斯科州发生的主要地震事件之一。我们通过远震体波的经典波形模型描述其破裂过程。点源反演指示浅层下冲事件(25 km)。其断裂面由278°的走向,27°的倾角和78°的前角定义。源时间函数(STF)的总持续时间约为22 s,并显示相对简单的时间历史。在主要力矩释放之前,有一个约6.6秒的小发作,位于主要力矩释放以南17公里处。该前体的初始破裂速度约为2.6 km / s。相对源时间函数(RSTF)的轻微方位角变化表明方向性较弱,可能是由双向非对称破裂型NNE-SSW引起的。 RSTF确认Tecomán地震由三个子事件组成,这些子事件主要是下倾破裂。沿走向和倾角的有限线源分析也确定了破裂传播的方向,并显示了沿断层的视在破裂速度的广泛范围。特科曼大地震是一个记录良好的有趣事件,其数据质量很好,但结果约束有限,这会影响方向性和震源深度等几个参数的不确定性。



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