
A Very Important Doctor




Once upon a time there lived a quite wealthy young man - in the sense that he was quite smug and comfortable, never really wanting for anything. ‘Wealthy people don’t have to concern themselves about others or indeed material matters, he used to say to himself, blissfully unaware of the dramatic irony in his statement. He had tons of clothes (which made it difficult to decide what to wear each day), lived on his own in a big house almost the size of a mansion, went on lots of holidays to exotic places, ate in the best restaurants, and by all accounts had no worries whatsoever. He was a man of modest intelligence, quite tall and stout with an arrogant (or should I say confident) manner. He could quite easily win an argument because he would literally wear his opponent down with the ferocity of his delivery, even though it bore little substance. 'I could be a politician because I am so good at debating sensitive issues which affect ordinary people, he would reflect when on his own, which was frequent.
机译:曾几何时,有一个相当富有的年轻人-从某种意义上来说,他很自满,自在,从不真正想要任何东西。 “过去,富裕的人们不必担心自己或别人关心的是实质性的事情,他很开心地没有意识到声明中的戏剧性讽刺。他有成吨的衣服(很难决定每天穿什么),独自一人住在像豪宅一样大小的大房子里,到异国风情的地方度假很多,在最好的餐馆吃饭,所有人都没有后顾之忧。他是一个谦虚的人,个子高大而矮胖,举止高傲(或者我应该说自信)。他很容易赢得一场辩论,因为他确实会因为交付的残酷性而使对手感到疲倦,即使这几乎没有实质性内容。 “我可以成为一名政治家,因为我擅长于讨论影响普通百姓的敏感问题,他会反思自己经常发生的情况。



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