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The family of DOF transcription factors in Brachypodium distachyon: phylogenetic comparison with rice and barley DOFs and expression profiling




Background Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that have played a central role both in evolution and in domestication, and are major regulators of development in living organisms. Plant genome sequences reveal that approximately 7% of all genes encode putative TFs. The DOF ( D NA binding with O ne F inger) TF family has been associated with vital processes exclusive to higher plants and to their close ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns). These are seed maturation and germination, light-mediated regulation, phytohormone and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, etc. In Hordeum vulgare and Oryza sativa, 26 and 30 different Dof genes, respectively, have been annotated. Brachypodium distachyon has been the first Pooideae grass to be sequenced and, due to its genomic, morphological and physiological characteristics, has emerged as the model system for temperate cereals, such as wheat and barley. Results Through searches in the B. distachyon genome, 27 Dof genes have been identified and a phylogenetic comparison with the Oryza sativa and the Hordeum vulgare DOFs has been performed. To explore the evolutionary relationship among these DOF proteins, a combined phylogenetic tree has been constructed with the Brachypodium DOFs and those from rice and barley. This phylogenetic analysis has classified the DOF proteins into four Major Cluster of Orthologous Groups (MCOGs). Using RT-qPCR analysis the expression profiles of the annotated BdDof genes across four organs (leaves, roots, spikes and seeds) has been investigated. These results have led to a classification of the BdDof genes into two groups, according to their expression levels. The genes highly or preferentially expressed in seeds have been subjected to a more detailed expression analysis (maturation, dry stage and germination). Conclusions Comparison of the expression profiles of the Brachypodium Dof genes with the published functions of closely related DOF sequences from the cereal species considered here, deduced from the phylogenetic analysis, indicates that although the expression profile has been conserved in many of the putative orthologs, in some cases duplication followed by subsequent divergence may have occurred (neo-functionalization).
机译:背景技术转录因子(TFs)是在进化和驯化中都发挥着核心作用的蛋白质,并且是生物体内发育的主要调节剂。植物基因组序列显示,所有基因中约有7%编码假定的TF。 DOF(与DNA结合的D NA)TF家族与高等植物及其近缘祖先(藻类,苔藓和蕨类植物)独有的重要过程相关。这些是种子的成熟和发芽,光调节,植物激素和植物对生物和非生物胁迫的反应等。在大麦和稻中分别注释了26个和30个不同的Dof基因。 Brachypodium distachyon是最早被测序的禾本科草,由于其基因组,形态和生理特性,它已成为温带谷物(例如小麦和大麦)的模型系统。结果通过搜索B. distachyon基因组,已鉴定出27个Dof基因,并与稻(Oryza sativa)和大麦(Hordeum vulgare)DOF进行了系统发育比较。为了探索这些DOF蛋白之间的进化关系,已构建了一个与腕足目DOF以及水稻和大麦中的DOF结合的系统发育树。这种系统发育分析已将DOF蛋白分为四个主要直系同源簇(MCOG)。使用RT-qPCR分析,已研究了带注释的BdDof基因在四个器官(叶,根,穗和种子)中的表达谱。这些结果导致根据其表达水平将BdDof基因分为两组。已经对种子中高度或优先表达的基因进行了更详细的表达分析(成熟度,干燥阶段和发芽)。结论根据系统发育分析推论,短螺旋藻Dof基因的表达谱与此处考虑的谷类物种密切相关的DOF序列已发表的功能进行了比较,表明尽管在许多假定的直系同源物中该表达谱已得到保守,在某些情况下,可能会发生重复和随后的分歧(新功能化)。



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