首页> 外文期刊>British Library journal >The Letters of Shen Fuzong to Thomas Hyde, 1687-88

The Letters of Shen Fuzong to Thomas Hyde, 1687-88




The earliest surviving direct correspondence ofa learned nature between a Chineseperson and an Englishman comprises severalletters sent between May 1687 andFebruary 1688 by a young Christian convertfrom Nanjing, Michael Shen Fuzong(c. 1658-1691), to the Oxonian orientalscholar and librarian Thomas Hyde (1636-1704). This correspondence had beensparked off by the visit of Shen to London in1687 in the entourage of visitingJesuits, and Hyde, always keen to attract nativespeakers of orientallanguages, soon persuaded Shen to visit Oxford. This article presents the surviving letters of Shen to Hyde, in their original Latin and Chinese texts, with English translations, and also provides an extensive contextual introduction and full annotations to the letters themselves.
机译:幸存下来的最早的中国人和英国人之间自然而然的直接往来信件包括1687年5月至1688年2月间,一位年轻的基督教信徒,由南京信徒迈克尔·沉·福宗(c。1658-1691)寄给奥克森东方学者和图书管理员托马斯·海德(1636) -1704)。 1687年,沉在访问耶稣会随行人员的陪同下访问了伦敦,而海德一直热衷于吸引说东方语言的当地人,不久便说服沉访问牛津。本文用原始的拉丁文和中文文本介绍了尚存的信给海德的信件,并附有英语翻译,还对信件本身进行了广泛的上下文介绍和完整注释。



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