首页> 外文期刊>British Library journal >The Royal Image and Diplomacy: Henry VII’s Book of Astrology (British Library, Arundel MS. 66)

The Royal Image and Diplomacy: Henry VII’s Book of Astrology (British Library, Arundel MS. 66)




One of the most intriguing manuscripts associated with Henry VII of England, British Library, MS. Arundel 66 combines astronomical tables and works of so-called judicial astrology with a short collection of political prophecies. As an informal note added at the end of one of its texts suggests, the volume was probably completed by a certain John Wellys on 30 June 1490. The present essay is an attempt to read the selection of political prophecies and interpret the manuscript’s pictorial contents in the light of events surrounding peace negotiations between England and France in 1489-90 and as a reflection of a use of renewed Plantagenet and Lancastrian claims to the French throne and a mythical royal ancestry in the early Tudor propaganda.
机译:与英格兰亨利七世有关的最有趣的手稿之一,大英图书馆,密西西比州。阿伦德尔66结合了天文表和所谓的司法占星术著作,并附有简短的政治预言。正如其中一本书结尾处的非正式注释所暗示的那样,该书卷可能是由某个约翰·威尔斯(John Wellys)于1490年6月30日完成的。本文旨在尝试阅读一些政治预言并解释该手稿的图片内容。围绕1489-90年英格兰与法国之间的和平谈判所发生的事件,以及对重新使用的Plantagenet和Lancastrian宣称拥有法国王位的说法以及都铎王朝早期宣传中的神话般的皇家血统的反映。



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