首页> 外文期刊>British Library journal >The Provenance of the Abreujamens de las estorias (London, British Library, Egerton MS. 1500) and the Identification of Scribal Hands (c. 1323)

The Provenance of the Abreujamens de las estorias (London, British Library, Egerton MS. 1500) and the Identification of Scribal Hands (c. 1323)

机译:Abreujamens de las estorias的起源(伦敦,大英图书馆,Egerton MS。1500)和抄写手的识别(c。1323)



This essay provides an overview of research undertaken on the provenance of a medieval Occitan (Old Proven?al) translation of an unedited diagrammatic chronicle of Paolino of Venice (Marciana, Zanetti 399). It confirms the existing suspicion that the manuscript was produced in Avignon, and provides a possible dating of 1321-1323; it reports on the existing hypotheses and makes some further suggestions for research. The main focus of the article is a provisional identification of three main scribal hands. Some attempt is made to order the hands in terms of appearance on the page, and in terms of relative chronology, and this information is connected concisely but speculatively to the working methods of an hypothetical translators' workshop in Avignon.
机译:本文概述了有关威尼斯Paolino(Marciana,Zanetti 399)未经编辑的图解编年史的中世纪Occitan(Old Proven?al)翻译出处的研究概况。它证实了现有的怀疑是手稿是在阿维尼翁生产的,并提供了可能的日期为1321-1323年。报告了现有的假设,并提出了一些进一步的研究建议。本文的主要重点是临时识别三个主要抄写员手。进行了一些尝试,以根据页面的外观以及相对的时间顺序对指针进行排序,并且此信息简洁明了地与推测性地关联于阿维尼翁假定假想者工作室的工作方法。



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