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Improved nutritional status is related to improved quality of life in Parkinson’s disease




Background Quality of life is poorer in Parkinson’s disease than in other conditions and in the general population without Parkinson’s disease. Malnutrition also results in poorer quality of life. This study aimed at determining the relationship between quality of life and nutritional status. Methods Community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease >18 years old were recruited. The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) assessed nutritional status. The Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire 39 (PDQ-39) measured quality of life. Phase I was cross-sectional. The malnourished in Phase I were eligible for a nutrition intervention phase, randomised into 2 groups: standard care (SC) with provision of nutrition education materials only and intervention (INT) with individualised dietetic advice and regular weekly follow-up. Data were collected at baseline, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks. Results Phase I consisted of 120 people who completed the PDQ-39. Phase II consisted of 9 in the SC group and 10 in the INT group. In Phase I, quality of life was poorer in the malnourished, particularly for mobility and activities of daily living domains. There was a significant correlation between PG-SGA and PDQ-39 scores (Phase I, r s = 0.445, p = .000; Phase II, r s = .426, p = .002). In Phase II, no significant difference in the PDQ-39 total or sub-scores was observed between the INT and SC groups; however, there was significant improvement in the emotional well-being domain for the entire group, X 2 (2) = 8.84, p = .012. Conclusions Malnourished people with Parkinson’s disease had poorer quality of life than the well-nourished, and improvements in nutritional status resulted in quality of life improvements. Attention to nutritional status is an important component of quality of life and therefore the total care of people with Parkinson’s disease. Trial registration https://?www.?anzctr.?org.?au/?Trial/?Registration/?TrialReview.?aspx??id=?336038&?isClinicalTrial=??False
机译:背景帕金森氏病的生活质量要比其他情况和没有帕金森氏病的普通人群的生活质量差。营养不良还会导致生活质量下降。这项研究旨在确定生活质量与营养状况之间的关系。方法招募18岁以上帕金森氏病社区居民。患者产生的主观全球评估(PG-SGA)评估了营养状况。帕金森氏病问卷39(PDQ-39)测量了生活质量。第一阶段是横截面。第一阶段的营养不良者可以进入营养干预阶段,分为2组:仅提供营养教育材料的标准护理(SC)和具有个性化饮食建议并每周定期随访的干预(INT)。在基线,6周和12周时收集数据。结果第一阶段包括完成PDQ-39的120人。第二阶段包括SC组中的9个和INT组中的10个。在第一阶段,营养不良的生活质量较差,特别是在日常生活领域的活动和活动方面。 PG-SGA与PDQ-39得分之间存在显着相关性(第一阶段,r s = 0.445,p = .000;第二阶段,r s = .426 ,p = .002)。在第二阶段,INT和SC组之间的PDQ-39总分或亚分没有显着差异。但是,整个小组的情绪健康领域都有显着改善,X 2 (2)= 8.84,p = .012。结论营养不良的帕金森氏病患者的生活质量要比营养良好的人低,营养状况的改善可以改善生活质量。注意营养状况是生活质量的重要组成部分,因此也是对帕金森氏病患者的全面护理。试用注册https://?www。?anzctr。?org。?au /?Trial /?Registration /?TrialReview。?aspx ?? id =?336038&?isClinicalTrial = ?? False



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