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A Place for Music: John Nash, Regent Street and the Philharmonic Society of London

机译:音乐场所:约翰·纳什(John Nash),摄政街和伦敦爱乐协会



The founding of the Philharmonic Society of London (from 1912 'Royal') has long been understood only in the simplest terms: in 1813 thirty musicians started a regular orchestral concert series to present the best classical works for select audiences. Two centuries later, a fresh look at circumstances and documents, some newly discovered, reveals a more vivid picture of action and intent behind the UK's oldest 'music-loving' society. Partnering with the Regency architect John Nash to erect the first purpose-built orchestral concert hall in Britain – the Argyll Rooms, Regent Street – entrepreneurial members invested in prime real estate for an even grander vision: to create an all-embracing national music institution akin to the Royal Academy of Arts, exhibiting top performances, stimulating new works, fostering research, publishing music and training young players, all without patrician interference. In positioning themselves on Regent Street, the musicians encountered multiple problems. Nash’s support was crucial, yielding a stunning multi-purpose building. Although many of their biggest goals had to be relinquished, the Society succeeded brilliantly in establishing world-class orchestral music at the heart of a picturesque and revitalized West End.
机译:长期以来,人们仅以最简单的方式来了解伦敦爱乐协会的成立(从1912年为“皇家”):在1813年,三十位音乐家发起了定期的管弦乐队音乐会系列,向特定观众展示最佳古典作品。两个世纪后,重新审视了一些新近发现的情况和文件,揭示了英国最古老的“热爱音乐”社会背后的行动和意图更加生动。与摄政建筑师约翰·纳什(John Nash)合作,建立了英国第一个专门建造的管弦音乐厅–摄政街的Argyll Rooms –企业家们投资于优质房地产,以实现更宏伟的愿景:创建一个无所不能的全民音乐机构参观皇家艺术学院(Royal Academy of Arts),表演顶级表演,刺激新作品,促进研究,出版音乐并培训年轻球员,而这些活动全都不受贵族的干扰。在将自己定位在摄政街上时,音乐家遇到了多个问题。纳什(Nash)的支持至关重要,它造就了一座令人惊叹的多功能建筑。尽管必须放弃他们的许多最大目标,但该协会在风景如画,充满活力的西区的中心建立了世界一流的管弦乐,取得了辉煌的成就。



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