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Thai lexical tone perception in native speakers of Thai, English and Mandarin Chinese: An event-related potentials training study




Background Tone languages such as Thai and Mandarin Chinese use differences in fundamental frequency (F0, pitch) to distinguish lexical meaning. Previous behavioral studies have shown that native speakers of a non-tone language have difficulty discriminating among tone contrasts and are sensitive to different F0 dimensions than speakers of a tone language. The aim of the present ERP study was to investigate the effect of language background and training on the non-attentive processing of lexical tones. EEG was recorded from 12 adult native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, 12 native speakers of American English, and 11 Thai speakers while they were watching a movie and were presented with multiple tokens of low-falling, mid-level and high-rising Thai lexical tones. High-rising or low-falling tokens were presented as deviants among mid-level standard tokens, and vice versa. EEG data and data from a behavioral discrimination task were collected before and after a two-day perceptual categorization training task. Results Behavioral discrimination improved after training in both the Chinese and the English groups. Low-falling tone deviants versus standards elicited a mismatch negativity (MMN) in all language groups. Before, but not after training, the English speakers showed a larger MMN compared to the Chinese, even though English speakers performed worst in the behavioral tasks. The MMN was followed by a late negativity, which became smaller with improved discrimination. The High-rising deviants versus standards elicited a late negativity, which was left-lateralized only in the English and Chinese groups. Conclusion Results showed that native speakers of English, Chinese and Thai recruited largely similar mechanisms when non-attentively processing Thai lexical tones. However, native Thai speakers differed from the Chinese and English speakers with respect to the processing of late F0 contour differences (high-rising versus mid-level tones). In addition, native speakers of a non-tone language (English) were initially more sensitive to F0 onset differences (low-falling versus mid-level contrast), which was suppressed as a result of training. This result converges with results from previous behavioral studies and supports the view that attentive as well as non-attentive processing of F0 contrasts is affected by language background, but is malleable even in adult learners.
机译:背景信息泰语和汉语普通话等语调语言使用基本频率上的差异(F 0 ,音高)来区分词汇含义。先前的行为研究表明,与非母语使用者相比,母语不是母语的人难以区分语调对比,并且对不同的F 0 维度敏感。本ERP研究的目的是调查语言背景和培训对词汇语气的非专心处理的影响。脑电图由12位以普通话为母语的成年人,12位以美国英语为母语的人以及11位在观看电影时以泰国语为母语的人录制,并向他们展示了多种低落,中级和高升泰国语调。高升或低落令牌是中级标准令牌之间的差异,反之亦然。在为期两天的感知分类训练任务之前和之后,收集了EEG数据和来自行为歧视任务的数据。结果在中文和英文训练后,行为歧视得到改善。低落的语气偏离标准会导致所有语言组的失配负性(MMN)。在训练之前(但不是在训练之后),尽管说英语的人在行为任务上表现最差,但说英语的人比中国人的MMN更大。 MMN之后是较晚的消极状态,随着辨别力的提高,消极状态变得越来越小。高起者对标准的反抗引起了后期的消极情绪,这种消极情绪只在英语和汉语人群中被偏左。结论结果表明,当不专心地处理泰语词汇声调时,以英语,汉语和泰语为母语的人招募了相似的机制。但是,泰语母语人士在后期F 0 轮廓差异(高音与中音)上的处理不同于中文和英文。另外,母语为非母语的人(英语)最初对F 0 发作差异(低落与中层对比度)更敏感,但由于训练而受到抑制。该结果与以前的行为研究的结果相吻合,并支持这样的观点,即F 0 对比的注意和不注意处理都受语言背景的影响,但即使在成年学习者中也具有延展性。



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