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Influence of bisphosphonate therapy on bone geometry, volumetric bone density and bone strength of femoral shaft in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis




Background There is evidence that postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on glucocorticoid (GC) therapy and bisphosphonate (BP) have an increased risk for atypical subtrochanteric and atypical diaphyseal femoral fracture (AFF). The underlying mechanism has not been elucidated so far. Using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), the aim of the present study was to compare bone geometry, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and bone strength of femoral shaft in BP-treated and BP-na?ve postmenopausal women with RA. Methods Prospective cross-sectional pQCT scans were taken at 33?% of total femur of BP-treated and BP-na?ve RA patients. Bone parameters of the two groups were compared and correlated to disease characteristics and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA). Results A total of 60 consecutive postmenopausal RA patients, 20 with BP therapy and 40 BP-na?ve, were included in the study. The median age of the subjects was 63.5?years (range 48–85 years), and median disease duration (RA) was 12.0?years (range 2–47 years). Height and weight of the patients of the two groups were comparable. Women in the BP group were on average 4.3?years older ( p =?0.044), and duration since menopause was on average 5.76?years longer ( p =?0.045). In the BP group, there was a 13.31?% reduced muscle cross-sectional area around the proximal thigh ( p =?0.013); cortical CSA was smaller by 5.3?% ( p =?0.043); however, total and medullary CSA, as well as cortical vBMD and the polar bone stress–strain index of the femoral shaft were similar in the two groups. In regression analysis, age, time since menopause and muscular CSA were significant factors determining cortical CSA, cortical thickness and femoral index ( p Conclusion Differences in cortical CSA between BP-treated and BP-na?ve postmenopausal RA patients were found to be associated only with differences in age, time since menopause and muscle cross-sectional area around the proximal thigh. In interpreting our results, it should be kept in mind that BP was given only to patients with increased fracture risk. This fact might have a confounding effect on our findings of differences between the two groups.
机译:背景有证据表明,接受糖皮质激素(GC)和双膦酸盐(BP)治疗的类风湿性关节炎(RA)绝经后妇女发生非典型股骨转子以下和非典型骨干股骨骨折(AFF)的风险增加。到目前为止,尚未阐明其基本机制。使用外周定量计算机断层扫描(pQCT),本研究的目的是比较BP治疗和BP绝经后RA的女性的股骨几何形状,体积骨矿物质密度(vBMD)和股骨干骨强度。方法对接受BP治疗的和未经BP治疗的RA患者,在总股骨的33%处进行前瞻性横断面pQCT扫描。比较两组的骨参数,并将其与疾病特征和肌肉横截面积(CSA)相关联。结果本研究共纳入60例连续绝经后RA患者,其中20例接受BP治疗,40例未接受过BP治疗。受试者的中位年龄为63.5岁(范围48-85岁),中位疾病持续时间(RA)为12.0岁(范围2-47岁)。两组患者的身高和体重相当。血压组中的女性平均年龄大4.3岁(p = 0.044),绝经后的持续时间平均长5.76年(p = 0.045)。在BP组中,大腿近端周围的肌肉横截面积减少了13.31%(p = 0.013)。皮质CSA减小了5.3%(p =?0.043);然而,两组的总和延髓CSA以及皮质vBMD和股骨干的极骨应力应变指数相似。在回归分析中,绝经后的年龄,时间和肌肉CSA是决定皮层CSA,皮层厚度和股骨指数的重要因素(p结论绝经后BP治疗与BP绝经后RA患者之间皮层CSA的差异仅与相关在更年期,更年期后的时间以及大腿近端的肌肉横截面积方面存在差异,在解释我们的结果时,应谨记的是,BP仅适用于骨折风险增加的患者,这一事实可能会对患者产生混淆我们对两组之间差异的发现。



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