首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research >Short-term and long-term antibody response by mice after immunization against Neisseria meningitidis B or diphtheria toxoid

Short-term and long-term antibody response by mice after immunization against Neisseria meningitidis B or diphtheria toxoid




Serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis (MenB) is a major cause of invasive disease in early childhood worldwide. The only MenB vaccine available in Brazil was produced in Cuba and has shown unsatisfactory efficacy when used to immunize millions of children in Brazil. In the present study, we compared the specific functional antibody responses evoked by the Cuban MenB vaccine with a standard vaccine against diphtheria (DTP: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) after primary immunization and boosting of mice. The peak of bactericidal and opsonic antibody titers to MenB and of neutralizing antibodies to diphtheria toxoid (DT) was reached after triple immunization with the MenB vaccine or DTP vaccine, respectively. However, 4 months after immunization, protective DT antibody levels were present in all DTP-vaccinated mice but in only 20% of the mice immunized against MenB. After 6 months of primary immunization, about 70% of animals still had protective neutralizing DT antibodies, but none had significant bactericidal antibodies to MenB. The booster doses of DTP or MenB vaccines produced a significant antibody recall response, suggesting that both vaccines were able to generate and maintain memory B cells during the period studied (6 months post-triple immunization). Therefore, due to the short duration of serological memory induced by the MenB vaccine (VA-MENGOC-BC? vaccine), its use should be restricted to outbreaks of meningococcal disease.
机译:血清B型脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌(MenB)是全球幼儿期侵袭性疾病的主要原因。巴西唯一可得到的MenB疫苗是在古巴生产的,在为巴西的数百万儿童进行免疫接种时,其功效并不理想。在本研究中,我们将初次免疫和加强免疫后的古巴MenB疫苗引起的特异性功能抗体反应与抗白喉的标准疫苗(DTP:白喉,破伤风,百日咳)进行了比较。用MenB疫苗或DTP疫苗三重免疫后,分别达到了针对MenB的杀菌抗体和调理抗体滴度以及针对白喉类毒素(DT)的中和抗体的峰值。但是,在免疫后4个月,所有DTP疫苗接种的小鼠中都存在保护性DT抗体水平,但只有20%的针对MenB的小鼠免疫了。初次免疫6个月后,约70%的动物仍具有保护性中和DT抗体,但没有动物具有针对MenB的重要杀菌抗体。 DTP或MenB疫苗的加强剂量产生了显着的抗体召回反应,表明这两种疫苗都能够在研究期间(三倍免疫后6个月)产生并维持记忆B细胞。因此,由于由MenB疫苗(VA-MENGOC-BC?疫苗)诱导的血清学记忆的持续时间短,因此应仅将其用于脑膜炎球菌疾病的爆发。



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