
Acute leukemia in early childhood




Acute leukemia in early childhood is biologically and clinically distinct. The particular characteristics of this malignancy diagnosed during the first months of life have provided remarkable insights into the etiology of the disease. The pro-B, CD10 negative immunophenotype is typically found in infant acute leukemia, and the most common genetic alterations are the rearrangements of the MLL gene. In addition, the TEL/AML1 fusion gene is most frequently found in children older than 24 months. A molecular study on a Brazilian cohort (age range 0-23 months) has detected TEL/AML1+ve (N = 9), E2A/PBX1+ve (N = 4), PML/RARA+ve (N = 4), and AML1/ETO+ve (N = 2) cases. Undoubtedly, the great majority of genetic events occurring in these patients arise prenatally. The environmental exposure to damaging agents that give rise to genetic changes prenatally may be accurately determined in infants since the window of exposure is limited and known. Several studies have shown maternal exposures that may give rise to leukemogenic changes. The Brazilian Collaborative Study Group of Infant Acute Leukemia has found that mothers exposed to dipyrone, pesticides and hormones had an increased chance to give birth to babies with infant acute leukemia [OR = 1.48 (95%CI = 1.05-2.07), OR = 2.27 (95%CI = 1.56-3.31) and OR = 9.08 (95%CI = 2.95-27.96)], respectively. This review aims to summarize recent clues that have facilitated the elucidation of the biology of early childhood leukemias, with emphasis on infant acute leukemia in the Brazilian population.
机译:儿童早期急性白血病在生物学和临床上是不同的。在生命的最初几个月中诊断出的这种恶性肿瘤的特殊特征为该病的病因学提供了深刻的见解。 pro-B,CD10阴性免疫表型通常在婴儿急性白血病中发现,最常见的遗传改变是MLL基因的重排。此外,TEL / AML1融合基因最常见于24个月以上的儿童。一项针对巴西队列(年龄为0-23个月)的分子研究发现,TEL / AML1 + ve(N = 9),E2A / PBX1 + ve(N = 4),PML / RARA + ve(N = 4),和AML1 / ETO + ve(N = 2)例。无疑,这些患者中发生的绝大多数遗传事件是在产前发生的。由于暴露的窗口是有限的并且是已知的,因此可以在婴儿中准确确定在环境中暴露于会引起产前遗传变化的有害物质的程度。几项研究表明,孕产妇接触可能引起致白血病的变化。巴西婴儿急性白血病合作研究小组发现,暴露于双嘧啶,杀虫剂和激素的母亲生育婴儿的急性白血病机会增加[OR = 1.48(95%CI = 1.05-2.07),OR = 2.27 (95%CI = 1.56-3.31)和OR = 9.08(95%CI = 2.95-27.96)]。这篇综述旨在总结最近的线索,这些线索有助于阐明儿童早期白血病的生物学特性,重点是巴西人群中的婴儿急性白血病。



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