首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research >Contrast sensitivity to angular frequency stimuli is higher than that for sinewave gratings in the respective middle range

Contrast sensitivity to angular frequency stimuli is higher than that for sinewave gratings in the respective middle range




This study compares contrast thresholds for sinewave gratings, or spatial frequencies (1/CSF) with contrast thresholds for angular frequencies (1/aCSF) and for radial frequencies, or J0 targets (1/rCSF). Observers had to differentiate between one of these frequency stimuli and a stimulus at mean luminance within a forced-choice procedure. All measurements were made with the same equipment, methods and subjects. Our results show higher sensitivity to, or lower thresholds for, angular frequencies when compared to either sinewave gratings or J0 targets. Contrast values in arbitrary units, in the lower threshold range for angular frequencies, were about half those required to differentiate sinewave gratings from mean luminance in its most sensitive range
机译:这项研究将正弦波光栅或空间频率(1 / CSF)的对比度阈值与角频率(1 / aCSF)和径向频率或J0目标(1 / rCSF)的对比度阈值进行了比较。观察者必须在强制选择程序中区分这些频率刺激之一和平均亮度下的刺激。所有测量均使用相同的设备,方法和主题进行。与正弦波光栅或J0目标相比,我们的结果表明对角频率具有更高的灵敏度或更低的阈值。在较低的角度频率阈值范围内,任意单位的对比度值约为将正弦波光栅与最敏感范围内的平均亮度区分开所需的对比度值的一半



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