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Characteristics of tropical human-modified forests after 20?years of natural regeneration




BackgroundAbandoned human-modified forests are refuges for remnant biodiversity. However, there are very few studies on the biodiversity and regeneration of native species in human-modified forests which are rich in exotic trees. Our research aim is to evaluate the regeneration status and biodiversity of two adjacent human-modified forests. The two forests have distinct overstorey exotic species richness prior to abandonment: one is an exotic tree plantation low in species richness, and the other is an exotic arboretum high in species richness. The original management practices of the two forests have been neglected for more than 20?years. A primary forest was selected as a reference forest to compare their diversity and regeneration status. We asked: (1) Is there a structural difference among the three forests? (2) What are the proportions of native saplings in the human-modified forests? (3) Are the introduced exotic species able to naturalize? ResultsWe recorded 1316 individuals from 88 species, belonging to 69 genera and 34 families in the three forests [each sampled 16 quadrats (10?m?×?5?m)]. Both human-modified forests were similar in their height structure, diameter structure, and sapling density, but differed in species diversity (characterized by rarefaction curves) and floristic composition (indicated by a quantitative similarity index). In the arboretum, only 50% of the sapling individuals were native. Surprisingly, when sampling efforts were standardized, the arboretum had higher native sapling species richness than the exotic species-poor plantation. Moreover, both human-modified forests had conserved a few rare and endemic species. Nevertheless, some exotic species in the arboretum had escaped to the nearby plantation. ConclusionsAfter 20?years of abandonment, the two human-modified forests had converged in structure, but not in diversity patterns of native saplings. This could be due to that the diversity of exotic overstorey composition can influence the natural regeneration of understorey plants. Our study also raised concerns about conserving native species and managing naturalized exotic species in these human-modified forests.
机译:背景废弃的人工林是生物多样性的避难所。但是,关于富含异域树木的人类改良森林中的生物多样性和原生物种再生的研究很少。我们的研究目的是评估两个相邻的人工改造森林的更新状况和生物多样性。两种森林在废弃前都有明显的超外来物种丰富度:一种是物种丰富度低的外来树木种植园,另一种是物种丰富度高的外来植物园。这两个森林的原始管理实践已被忽视了20多年。选择原始森林作为参考森林,以比较其多样性和更新状态。我们问:(1)这三种森林之间是否存在结构差异? (2)在人工改良森林中原生树苗的比例是多少? (3)引进的外来物种能够归化吗?结果我们记录了三种森林中来自88个物种的1316个个体,它们属于69个属和34个科(每个样本采样了16个四方类动物(10?m?×?5?m))。两种经过人工改造的森林在高度结构,直径结构和树苗密度方面都相似,但物种多样性(以稀疏曲线表征)和植物组成(以数量相似指数表示)不同。在树木园中,只有50%的树苗是本地人。出乎意料的是,当标准化采样工作时,植物园的本地幼树物种丰富度高于外来物种匮乏的人工林。此外,两种人工林都保存了一些稀有和特有物种。然而,植物园中的一些外来物种逃到了附近的种植园。结论在废弃20年后,这两个人工改造的森林在结构上趋同,但在本地树苗的多样性模式上却不融合。这可能是由于外来过高成分的多样性会影响下层植物的自然再生。我们的研究还引起了人们对在这些人工改造森林中保护本地物种和管理外来物种的担忧。



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