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Medical student researchers in Colombia and associated factors with publication: a cross-sectional study




Gaps between evidence-based research and clinical-public health practice have been evident for decades. One of the aims of medical student research is to close this gap. Accordingly, evaluating individual and environmental factors that influence participation of medical students in research are needed to understand and identify potential targets for action. This study aims to identify characteristics of medical student researchers in Colombia and the associated factors with scientific publications. A cross-sectional study of Colombian medical students involved in research using a validated, self-administered, online survey. The survey was distributed through the Colombian Association of Medical Students’ Associations (ASCEMCOL). Data sets were analyzed using descriptive and summary statistics. Bivariate analysis and a multiple logistic regression model were conducted to identify predictors of scientific publications. A total of 133 responses were analyzed from students at 12 Colombian cities and 20 higher-education institutions. Although 94% of responders had at least one research proposal, only 57% had completed a project, and 17% had published their findings. Barriers for undertaking research included time restrictions and a lack of mentorship. Motivational factors included opportunity to publish findings and good mentorship. Students planning to do a specialization (OR?=?3.25; 95% Confidence interval [CI]?=?1.27–8.30), innovators (OR?=?3.52; 95%CI?=?1.30–9.52) and committed (OR?=?3.39; 95%CI?=?1.02–11.29), those who had previously published their findings (OR 9.13 IC95% 2.57–32.48), and were further in their medical education (OR 2.26 IC95% 1.01–5.07), were more likely to publish scientific papers. Our findings describe medical students understanding of the process of conducting research in Colombia. Although there appears to be motivation to participate in research, very few students achieve publication. Barriers such as time constraints and mentorship seem to play a critical role. This highlights opportunities where barriers to research can be overcome in medical school and other levels.
机译:数十年来,基于证据的研究与临床-公共卫生实践之间的差距一直很明显。医学生研究的目的之一就是弥合这一差距。因此,需要评估影响医学生参与研究的个人和环境因素,以了解和确定潜在的行动目标。这项研究旨在确定哥伦比亚医学生研究人员的特征以及相关科学出版物的相关因素。使用经过验证的,自我管理的在线调查对参与研究的哥伦比亚医学院学生进行横断面研究。该调查是通过哥伦比亚医学院学生协会协会(ASCEMCOL)分发的。使用描述性统计和摘要统计对数据集进行分析。进行了双变量分析和多元逻辑回归模型来确定科学出版物的预测指标。来自12个哥伦比亚城市和20个高等教育机构的学生对133份回答进行了分析。尽管94%的受访者至少有一项研究建议,但只有57%的受访者完成了一个项目,而17%的受访者发表了他们的发现。进行研究的障碍包括时间限制和缺乏指导。动机因素包括发表发现的机会和良好的指导。计划进行专业化学习的学生(OR?=?3.25; 95%置信区间[CI]?=?1.27–8.30),创新者(OR?=?3.52; 95%CI?=?1.30-1.53​​)和承诺(OR ?=?3.39; 95%CI?=?1.02–11.29),那些以前发表过研究结果的人(OR 9.13 IC95%2.57–32.48),并且接受了进一步的医学教育(OR 2.26 IC95%1.01–5.07),更有可能发表科学论文。我们的发现描述了医学生对在哥伦比亚进行研究过程的理解。尽管似乎有动机参与研究,但很少有学生获得发表。时间限制和指导等障碍似乎起着关键作用。这突显了在医学院和其他层次可以克服研究障碍的机会。



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