首页> 外文期刊>BMC Veterinary Research >Detection and linkage to mobile genetic elements of tetracycline resistance gene tet (M) in Escherichia coli isolates from pigs

Detection and linkage to mobile genetic elements of tetracycline resistance gene tet (M) in Escherichia coli isolates from pigs




Background In Escherichia coli the genes involved in the acquisition of tetracycline resistance are mainly tet (A) and tet (B). In addition, tet (M) is the most common tetracycline resistance determinant in enterococci and it is associated with conjugative transposons and plasmids. Although tet (M) has been identified in E. coli , to our knowledge, there are no previous reports studying the linkage of the tet (M) gene in E. coli to different mobile genetic elements. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of tet (A), tet (B), and tet (M) genes in doxycycline-resistant E. coli isolates from pigs, as well as the detection of mobile genetic elements linked to tet (M) in E. coli and its possible transfer from enterococci. Results tet (A) was the most frequently detected gene (87.9%) in doxycycline-resistant isolates. tet (M) was found in 13.1% E. coli isolates. The tet (M) gene was detected in relation with conjugative transposons in 10 out of 36 enterococci isolates analyzed but not in any of E. coli isolates positive for tet (M). Southern blot showed that in E. coli and in most of the enterococci isolates the tet (M) gene was carried on a plasmid. According to the phylogenetic analysis, E. coli contained a new tet (M) allele grouping separately. Mating experiments revealed that tet (M) was carried on a mobile element successfully transferred between enterococci and between enterococci and E. coli . Conclusions The detection of tet (M) in E. coli isolates from pigs was higher than expected. In our study, tet (M) detected in E. coli seems not to have been transferred from enterococci, although it can not be ruled out that the horizontal transfer of this gene occurred from other intestinal tract bacteria.
机译:背景技术在大肠杆菌中,涉及四环素抗性获得的基因主要是tet(A)和tet(B)。另外,tet(M)是肠球菌中最常见的四环素抗性决定簇,它与结合转座子和质粒相关。尽管据我们所知,已在大肠杆菌中鉴定出tet(M),但以前没有报道研究tet(M)基因在大肠杆菌中与不同的移动遗传元件的联系。这项研究的目的是确定猪中强力霉素抗性大肠杆菌分离株中tet(A),tet(B)和tet(M)基因的发生,以及与tet相关的移动遗传元件的检测(M)在大肠杆菌中及其可能从肠球菌中转移。结果tet(A)是耐多西环素分离株中最常检测到的基因(87.9%)。在13.1%的大肠杆菌分离物中发现了tet(M)。在分析的36个肠球菌分离物中,有10个检测到与共轭转座子相关的tet(M)基因,但在tet(M)呈阳性的任何大肠杆菌分离物中均未检测到。 Southern印迹显示,在大肠杆菌和大多数肠球菌分离物中,tet(M)基因携带在质粒上。根据系统发育分析,大肠杆菌分别包含一个新的tet(M)等位基因分组。交配实验表明,tet(M)携带在可成功在肠球菌之间以及肠球菌和大肠杆菌之间转移的移动元件上。结论在猪大肠杆菌分离物中检测到的tet(M)高于预期。在我们的研究中,在大肠杆菌中检测到的tet(M)似乎没有从肠球菌转移,尽管不能排除该基因的水平转移是由其他肠道细菌引起的。



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