首页> 外文期刊>BMC Psychology >Short-term efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression- reanalysis of data from meta-analyses up to 2010

Short-term efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression- reanalysis of data from meta-analyses up to 2010




BackgroundAccording to a narrative review of 13 meta-analyses (published up to 2010), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has a moderate, short-term antidepressant effect in the treatment of major depression. The aim of the current study was to reanalyse the data from these 13 meta-analyses with a uniform meta-analytical procedure and to investigate predictors of such an antidepressant response. MethodsA total of 40 double-blind, randomised, sham-controlled trials with parallel designs, utilising rTMS of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the treatment of major depression, was included in the current meta-analysis. The studies were conducted in 15 countries on 1583 patients and published between 1997-2008. Depression severity was measured using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, or Montgomery ?sberg Depression Rating Scale at baseline and after the last rTMS. A random-effects model with the inverse-variance weights was used to compute the overall mean weighted effect size, Cohen's d . ResultsThere was a significant and moderate reduction in depression scores from baseline to final, favouring rTMS over sham (overall d = -.54, 95% CI: - .68, -.41, N = 40 studies). Predictors of such a response were investigated in the largest group of studies ( N = 32) with high-frequency (>1 Hz) left (HFL) rTMS. The antidepressant effect of HFL rTMS was present univariately in studies with patients receiving antidepressants (at stable doses or started concurrently with rTMS), with treatment-resistance, and with unipolar (or bipolar) depression without psychotic features. Univariate meta-regressions showed that depression scores were significantly lower after HFL rTMS in studies with higher proportion of female patients. There was little evidence for publication bias in the current analysis. ConclusionsDaily rTMS (with any parameters) has a moderate, short-term antidepressant effect in studies published up to 2008. The clinical efficacy of HFL rTMS may be better in female patients not controlling for any other study parameters.
机译:背景根据对13项荟萃分析的叙述性综述(截至2010年发布),重复性经颅磁刺激(rTMS)在治疗重度抑郁症方面具有中等,短期的抗抑郁作用。本研究的目的是使用统一的荟萃分析程序重新分析这13项荟萃分析的数据,并研究此类抗抑郁药反应的预测因子。方法总共40项平行设计,采用平行设计的假手术,双盲对照试验,利用背外侧前额叶皮层的rTMS治疗严重抑郁症,目前已纳入荟萃分析。这项研究在15个国家/地区对1583名患者进行,并于1997-2008年间发表。使用汉密尔顿抑郁量表,贝克抑郁量表或蒙哥马利·斯伯格抑郁量表在基线和末次rTMS后测量抑郁的严重程度。使用具有反方差权重的随机效应模型来计算总体平均加权效应大小Cohen d。结果从基线到最终抑郁指数显着且中度降低,与假手术相比,rTMS更为有利(总体d = -.54,95%CI:-.68,-.41,N = 40研究)。在最大的一组研究(N = 32)中,使用高频(> 1 Hz)左(HFL)rTMS对这种反应的预测因素进行了研究。 HFL rTMS的抗抑郁作用在接受抗抑郁药(稳定剂量或与rTMS并发开始),抗药性以及无精神病特征的单相(或双相)抑郁症患者中进行研究。单变量荟萃分析显示,在女性患者比例较高的研究中,HFL rTMS后抑郁评分显着降低。在当前的分析中,几乎没有证据表明出版物存在偏见。结论在截至2008年的研究中,每天rTMS(具有任何参数)均具有中度,短期抗抑郁作用。对于无法控制其他任何研究参数的女性患者,HFL rTMS的临床疗效可能更好。



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