首页> 外文期刊>BMC Veterinary Research >A possible case of caprine-associated malignant catarrhal fever in a domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Switzerland

A possible case of caprine-associated malignant catarrhal fever in a domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Switzerland

机译:瑞士家养水牛(Bubalus bubalis)中与山羊相关的恶性卡他热的可能病例



Background Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a fatal herpesvirus infection, affecting various wild and domestic ruminants all over the world. Water buffaloes were reported to be particularly susceptible for the ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2) causing the sheep-associated form of MCF (SA-MCF). This report describes the first case of possibly caprine-associated malignant catarrhal fever symptoms in a domestic water buffalo in Switzerland. Case presentation The buffalo cow presented with persistent fever, dyspnoea, nasal bleeding and haematuria. Despite symptomatic therapy, the buffalo died and was submitted to post mortem examination. Major findings were an abomasal ulceration, a mild haemorrhagic cystitis and multifocal haemorrhages on the epicardium and on serosal and mucosal surfaces. Eyes and oral cavity were not affected. Histopathology revealed a mild to moderate lymphohistiocytic vasculitis limited to the brain and the urinary bladder. Although these findings are typical for MCF, OvHV-2 DNA was not detected in peripheral blood lymphocytes or in paraffin-embedded brain, using an OvHV-2 specific real time PCR. With the aid of a panherpesvirus PCR, a caprine herpesvirus-2 (CpHV-2) sequence could be amplified from both samples. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first report of malignant catarrhal fever in the subfamily Bovinae , where the presence of CpHV-2 could be demonstrated. The etiological context has yet to be evaluated.
机译:背景恶性卡他热(MCF)是致命的疱疹病毒感染,影响世界各地的各种野生和家养反刍动物。据报道,水牛对绵羊疱疹病毒2(OvHV-2)特别敏感,导致绵羊相关形式的MCF(SA-MCF)。这份报告描述了瑞士一头水牛中首例可能与监狱有关的恶性卡他热症状。病例介绍水牛表现为持续发烧,呼吸困难,鼻出血和血尿。尽管采取了对症治疗,但水牛还是死了,并接受了验尸。主要发现是胃窦溃疡,轻度出血性膀胱炎和心外膜以及浆膜和粘膜表面的多灶性出血。眼睛和口腔均未受影响。组织病理学显示轻度至中度的淋巴组织细胞性血管炎仅限于大脑和膀胱。尽管这些发现是MCF的典型发现,但使用OvHV-2特异性实时PCR在外周血淋巴细胞或石蜡包埋的脑中未检测到OvHV-2 DNA。借助于全疱疹病毒PCR,可以从两个样品中扩增出山羊疱疹病毒2(CpHV-2)序列。结论据我们所知,这是Bovinae亚科恶性卡他热的首次报道,可以证明CpHV-2的存在。病因背景尚待评估。



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