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The psychiatric inpatient physical health assessment sheet (PIPHAS): a useful tool to improve the speed, efficiency, and documentation of physical examination in new psychiatric inpatients




Abstract There is increased morbidity and mortality among patients suffering from mental illness. This is believed to be multi-factorial. Poor access to healthcare, the stigma of mental illness, reduced clinic attendance, lifestyle factors, and side effects of medications are cited as possible contributing factors. It is therefore vital to perform a physical examination to identify previously undiagnosed conditions during the admission of a psychiatric inpatient. The Royal College of Psychiatrists recommends that all patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital should receive a full physical examination on admission, or within twenty-four hours of admission.A snapshot audit was carried out at Prospect Park Hospital in Reading, which highlighted that The Royal College of Psychiatrist’s recommendation, along with Trust guidelines regarding physical examination were not being met, with only 78 out of 111 patients (70.3%) undergoing an examination during their admission. In addition to this, examinations were often poorly documented and not covering all examination domains. A psychiatric inpatient physical health assessment sheet (PIPHAS) was designed and introduced, providing a quick and standardised approach to the documentation of a physical examination. After the intervention was put into practice, its impact was assessed by performing a retrospective review of the admission clerking notes of the next 100 admissions to Prospect Park Hospital.Following the introduction of the PIPHAS form there was an increase in the number of patients undergoing physical examination on admission to hospital (75 out of 100 patients, 75%). There was also an increase in the thorough documentation of all examination domains (e.g. respiratory examination) for patients that had a completed PIPHAS form scanned within their medical records.This quality improvement project demonstrates that the PIPHAS form is a useful tool to improve the speed, efficiency, and documentation of a thorough physical examination in new psychiatric inpatients.
机译:摘要精神疾病患者的发病率和死亡率增加。据信这是多因素的。人们认为,医疗保健条件差,精神病的耻辱,诊所出勤率降低,生活方式因素以及药物副作用是可能的促成因素。因此,至关重要的是,在接受精神科住院病人期间进行体格检查,以识别以前无法诊断的状况。皇家精神病医生学院建议所有入院或入院后24小时内应接受全面检查的精神病患者均在精神病医院接受检查,并在雷丁的Prospect Park医院进行了快照审核,强调皇家医院精神病医生学院的建议以及有关身体检查的Trust指南均未得到满足,在入院期间接受检查的111位患者中,只有78位(占70.3%)。除此之外,考试通常记录不清,并且没有涵盖所有考试领域。设计并引入了精神科住院病人身体健康评估表(PIPHAS),为身体检查的记录提供了一种快速而标准化的方法。干预措施付诸实践后,通过对Prospect Park医院接下来的100例入院记录进行回顾性评估来评估其影响.PIPHAS表格引入后,接受物理治疗的患者人数有所增加入院检查(100名患者中的75名,占75%)。在病历中扫描了完整的PIPHAS表格的患者的所有检查领域(例如呼吸道检查)的详尽文档也有所增加。此质量改进项目表明PIPHAS表格是提高速度的有用工具,效率,以及对新住院的精神病患者进行全面身体检查的文件。



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