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Retrospective assessment of the quality of diabetes care in a rural diabetes clinic in Western Kenya




Sub-Saharan Africa continues to face the highest rate of mortality from diabetes in the world due to limited access to quality diabetes care. We assessed the quality of diabetes care in a rural diabetes clinic in western Kenya. To provide a comprehensive assessment, a set of clinical outcomes, process, and structure metrics were evaluated to assess the quality of diabetes care provided in the outpatient clinic at Webuye District Hospital. The primary clinical outcome measures were the change in HbA1c and point of care blood glucose. In assessing process metrics, the primary measure was the percentage of patients who were lost to follow up. The structure metrics were assessed by evaluating different facets of the operation of the clinic and their accordance with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) guidelines. A total of 524 patients were enrolled into the diabetes clinic during the predefined period of evaluation. The overall clinic population demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in HbA1c and point of care blood glucose at all time points of evaluation after baseline. Patients had a mean baseline HbA1C of 10.2% which decreased to 8.4% amongst the patients who remained in care after 18?months. In terms of process measures, 38 patients (7.3%) were characterized as being lost to follow up as they missed clinic visits for more than 6?months. Through the assessment of structural metrics, the clinic met at least the minimal standards of care for 14 out of the 19 domains recommended by the IDF. This analysis illustrates the gains made in various elements of diabetes care quality which can be used by other programs to guide diabetes care scale up across the region.



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