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A secondary analysis examining the concordance of self-perception of weight and actual measurement of body fat percentage: The CRONICAS Cohort Study




Background Individuals’ self-perceptions of weight often differ from objective measurements of body fat. This study aimed to 1) measure agreement between self-perceptions of weight and objective measurement of body fat by bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) among Peruvian adults; and 2) quantify the association between body fat and a) baseline self-perceptions of weight and b) whether a participant underestimated their weight status. Methods Longitudinal data from the CRONICAS Cohort Study of 3181 Peruvian adults aged 35-years and older were used. BIA measurements of body fat were categorized across four nominal descriptions: low weight, normal, overweight, and obese. Kappa statistics were estimated to compare BIA measurements with baseline self-perceptions of weight. To quantify the association between body fat over time with both baseline self-perceptions of weight and underestimation of weight status, random effects models, controlling for socioeconomic and demographic covariates, were employed. Results Of the 3181 participants, 1111 (34.9%) were overweight and 649 (20.4%) were obese at baseline. Agreement between self-perceived and BIA weight status was found among 43.1% of participants, while 49.9% underestimated and 6.9% overestimated their weight status. Weighted kappa statistics ranged from 0.20 to 0.31 across settings, suggesting poor agreement. Compared to perceiving oneself as normal, perceiving oneself as underweight, overweight, or obese was associated with ??4.1 ( p ?0.001), +?5.2 ( p ?0.001), and?+?8.1 ( p ?0.001) body fat percentage points, respectively. Underestimating one’s weight status was associated with having 2.4 ( p ?0.001) body fat percentage points more than those not underestimating only after adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic covariates. Conclusions Half of study participants were overweight or obese. There was poor agreement between self-perceptions of weight with BIA measurements of body fat, indicating that individuals often believe they weigh less than they actually do. Underestimating one’s weight status was associated with having more body fat percentage points, but was only statistically significant after adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Further research should be conducted to investigate how self-perceptions of weight can support clinical and public health interventions to curb the obesity epidemic.
机译:背景技术人们对体重的自我认知通常不同于对身体脂肪的客观测量。这项研究旨在:1)通过生物电阻抗分析(BIA)在秘鲁成年人中测量体重的自我感觉与客观测量身体脂肪之间的一致性; 2)量化体内脂肪与a)基线体重自我感知和b)参与者是否低估了他们的体重状况之间的关联。方法使用来自CRONICAS队列研究的3181名35岁及35岁以上秘鲁成年人的纵向数据。 BIA对人体脂肪的测量可分为以下四种名义描述:低体重,正常,超重和肥胖。估计Kappa统计数据可将BIA测量值与体重的基线自我感觉进行比较。为了量化随时间变化的体内脂肪与体重的基线自我感觉和体重状态的低估之间的关联,采用了控制社会经济和人口统计学协变量的随机效应模型。结果在3181名参与者中,基线时超重者为1111名(34.9%),而肥胖者为649名(20.4%)。在43.1%的参与者中,自我感觉和BIA体重状况之间存在一致性,而低估49.9%,高估6.9%。各个设置之间的加权kappa统计量范围从0.20到0.31,表明一致性差。与将自己感知为正常相比,将自己感知为体重过轻,超重或肥胖与?? 4.1(p <0.001),+ 5.2(p <0.001)和π+ 8.1(p <0.001)有关。人体脂肪百分比分别。低估了自己的体重状况与仅在调整了人口和社会经济协变量后才没有低估的身体脂肪百分率相比,有2.4(p <0.001)个百分点。结论一半的研究参与者超重或肥胖。对体重的自我认知与BIA对人体脂肪的测量之间的一致性差,这表明人们经常认为自己的体重比实际体重要轻。低估体重状态与体内脂肪百分比高有关,但只有在根据人口统计学和社会经济特征进行调整后才具有统计学意义。应该进行进一步的研究,以研究对体重的自我认知如何支持临床和公共卫生干预措施,以遏制肥胖病的流行。



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