首页> 外文期刊>Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine >Serological and pathological investigation of brucellosis in dairy cows of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh

Serological and pathological investigation of brucellosis in dairy cows of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh




Brucellosis is a widespread and economically important infectious disease of animals and humans caused by the members of the genus Brucella . The disease is manifested by abortion, birth of unthrifty calves and retained placentae in female animals. The correct and prompt diagnosis is important for controlling and eradicating the disease from animals. This experiment was carried out in the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to detect Brucella antibody in dairy cows using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (i-ELISA) and histopathology. The study was carried out between the periods of January 2012 to September 2012. Placental tissue obtained from aborted cow and internal organs of aborted fetus were used in histopathological study. A total of 190 sera sample were collected with the history of reproductive disorders, like late abortion, retained placenta and anestrous from Veterinary Hospital, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and meat market Kewatkhali, Mymensingh. The seroprevalance of brucellosis using RBPT and iELISA were 2.63% and 1.05% respectively. Histopathological study revealed multifocal necrosis in hepatic parenchyma, depletion of lymphocytes in spleen and lymphnodes and distended trabeculi in spleen and lymphnodes in aborted calf, diffuse fibrosis around the placental epithelia and in placental tissues. Distinct histopathological lesions in the liver and spleen of Brucella suspected calf were not evident but the retained fetal membrane showed characteristics fibrosis and reactive cellular infiltration. It needs to adopt nucleic acid based technologies in order to confirm the species of Brucella involved and as well as to avoid cross reactivity of antibodies as seen in RBPT and iELISA. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjvm.v11i2.19124 Bangl. J. Vet. Med . (2013). 11 (2): 107-112
机译:布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌属的成员引起的一种广泛的,在经济上重要的动物和人类传染病。该疾病表现为雌性动物的流产,不节制小牛的出生和胎盘残留。正确及时的诊断对于控制和根除动物的疾病很重要。该实验是在孟加拉国农业大学Mymensingh兽医学院病理学系进行的,目的是使用玫瑰孟加拉平板试验(RBPT),间接酶联免疫吸附测定(i-ELISA)和组织病理学检测奶牛的布鲁氏菌抗体。该研究在2012年1月至2012年9月之间进行。组织病理学研究使用了从流产的牛和流产的胎儿的内部器官获得的胎盘组织。从孟加拉国农业大学兽医医院和Mymensingh的肉类市场Kewatkhali总共收集了190份血清样本,这些样本具有生殖疾病史,如流产晚期,胎盘残留和发情。使用RBPT和iELISA的布鲁氏菌病血清阳性率分别为2.63%和1.05%。组织病理学研究显示,肝实质多灶性坏死,脾脏和淋巴结中的淋巴细胞耗竭,流产小腿的脾脏和淋巴结中的小梁扩张,胎盘上皮和胎盘组织中的弥漫性纤维化。怀疑的小牛布鲁氏菌肝和脾中没有明显的组织病理学损害,但保留的胎膜表现出纤维化和反应性细胞浸润的特征。它需要采用基于核酸的技术来确定所涉及的布鲁氏菌的种类,以及避免在RBPT和iELISA中看到的抗体的交叉反应性。 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjvm.v11i2.19124 Bangl。 J.兽医Med。 (2013)。 11(2):107-112



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