首页> 外文期刊>Biota Neotropica >Thrips species (Insecta: Thysanoptera) associated to Fabaceae of agricultural importance in Cerrado and Amazon-Caatinga ecotone from Brazilian Mid-North

Thrips species (Insecta: Thysanoptera) associated to Fabaceae of agricultural importance in Cerrado and Amazon-Caatinga ecotone from Brazilian Mid-North




Little is known about the Thysanoptera fauna from Brazilian Mid-North. In spite of being a region with at least three biomes and some ecotones, the studies on this insect order in the region are related to associations to a few cultivated plant species. On Fabaceae, plant family with the second largest number of records of thrips species associated in Brazil and huge economic importance for Mid-North, there are thrips records only on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Due to the lack of knowledge on the Thysanoptera fauna in such a diverse area and the importance of crops of this family in the region, this research aimed to survey the thrips species associated to Fabaceae of agricultural importance in areas of Cerrado and Amazon-Caatinga ecotone in Brazilian Mid-North, as well as provide basic biological information about damage and hosts. Also, comparison between the Thysanoptera fauna of fabaceous crops in the region and the rest of the Country and a key to species are presented. Thrips were collected on six fabaceous crops in four municipalities in the state of Maranh?o and in one municipality in the state of Piauí. Eight thrips species were identified: Caliothrips phaseoli (Pergande, 1895), Frankliniella brevicaulis Hood, 1937, F. gardeniae Moulton, 1948, F. insularis (Franklin, 1908), F. schultzei (Trybom, 1910), F. tritici (Fitch, 1855), Haplothrips gowdeyi (Franklin, 1908) and Salpingothrips minimus Hood, 1935. Two other unidentified species were collected: Plesiothrips sp. and Scolothrips sp. Except for F. schultzei, the thrips species surveyed in Maranh?o are first records in the state, and F. gardeniae is first record in the state of Piauí. The first records of thrips on Phaseolus lunatus L. in Brazil were established. Some species known as pests of Fabaceae mostly in southern and southeastern Brazil were not found in Mid-North. Voucher-specimens are deposited at the Entomological Collection of the Department of Entomology and Acarology, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de S?o Paulo (ESALQ/USP).
机译:对巴西中北部的Th翼类动物区系知之甚少。尽管该区域至少有三个生物群落和一些过渡带,但对该区域中该昆虫有序性的研究与与一些栽培植物物种的关联有关。在巴西的豆科植物科中,蓟马种类的记录数量第二多,对中北部具有巨大的经济重要性,仅only豆上有蓟马记录(Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp。)。由于在这样一个多样化的地区对the翅类动物的认识不足,以及该家族的农作物在该地区的重要性,因此本研究旨在调查与Cerrado和Amazon-Caatinga交错带地区具有重要农业意义的豆科的蓟马种类在巴西中北部,以及提供有关破坏和寄主的基本生物学信息。此外,还介绍了该地区和该国其他地区的豆科植物Th翅目fauna科动物区系的比较,以及物种的关键。在Maranh?o州的四个城市和Piauí州的一个城市中,从六种豆科作物上收集了蓟马。鉴定出八种蓟马种类:Caliothrips phaseoli(Pergande,1895),Frankliniella brevicaulis Hood,1937,F。gardeniae Moulton,1948,insularis(Franklin,1908),F。schultzei(Trybom,1910),Tri.i. (1855年),Haplothrips gowdeyi(富兰克林,1908年)和Salpingothrips minimus Hood(1935年)。还收集了另外两个身份不明的物种:Plesiothrips sp。和Scolothrips sp。除了Schultzei F.,在Maranh?o调查的蓟马物种是该州的第一记录,而F. gardeniae是Piauí州的第一记录。建立了巴西菜豆(Phaseolus lunatus L.)上蓟马的第一批记录。在中北部没有发现一些被称为豆科植物的有害生物,主要在巴西南部和东南部。优惠券标本存放在圣保罗大学的Escola Superior de Agricultura“ Luiz de Queiroz”昆虫学和昆虫学系的昆虫学收藏中(ESALQ / USP)。



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