
Elements are our best friends




The Periodic Table of the Elements (PTE), which was discovered by a Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869, is the most important and the most fundamental table in not only science but our daily life. In modern PTE, 114 sorts of the elements, given the characteristic name and the symbol of each element, are arranged, among them 90 sorts of the elements are found to occur in nature. We know that approximately 21 sorts of the elements including trace elements are essential in our daily life and health or in treatment of some disorders. The names of these essential elements have been well known, however, understanding of the significance of occurrence in living systems of these elements are limited in many people. In this article, a possible significance of the essential elements including essential trace elements is discussed on the perspective for the histories of appearance of the earth, evolution of life, and discovery of elements in human and animal bodies and fluids, as well as the deficiency of some metal elements in our daily life. On the basis of the short discussion, “elements are our best friends” is proposed in our life and health.
机译:元素周期表(PTE)是俄罗斯化学家迪米特里·门捷列夫(Dimitri Mendeleev)于1869年发现的,它不仅是科学而且是我们日常生活中最重要,最基础的表。在现代的PTE中,给定了114种元素(给定了每个元素的特征名称和符号),其中90种元素被发现自然存在。我们知道,包括微量元素在内的大约21种元素对我们的日常生活和健康或某些疾病的治疗至关重要。这些必需元素的名称是众所周知的,但是,在许多人中对这些元素在生命系统中发生的重要性的理解受到限制。在本文中,从地球出现,生命进化,人类和动物体液中元素的发现以及不足的角度出发,讨论了必需元素(包括必需微量元素)的可能意义。我们日常生活中的一些金属元素。在简短讨论的基础上,提出了“元素是我们最好的朋友”,这对我们的生活和健康都提出了建议。



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