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Standard Drive Is First To Hit One Million Units


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The one millionth ABB standard drive has rolled off the production line, marking a milestone as the first of an ABB drive range to hit this figure. Some five years since the first drive of this family was manufactured at ABB's Helsinki factory, the demand is now such that it is manufactured at five factories, on three continents. The head of ABB's LV drives business, Pekka Tiitinen hails the achievement as a milestone for the entire ABB drives business. "This product family has been designed to fulfill customer needs globally. Consequently it is a worldwide sales success and has clearly contributed to our increased global market share in low voltage drives to 18.1% in 2007, as stated by the latest ARC report."
机译:百万分之一的ABB标准驱动器已下线,这是ABB驱动器系列中第一个达到这一数字的里程碑。自从该系列的第一台传动装置在ABB的赫尔辛基工厂生产以来大约五年,现在的需求如此之大,以至在三大洲的五家工厂生产。 ABB低压传动业务负责人Pekka Tiitinen将此成就赞誉为整个ABB传动业务的里程碑。最新的ARC报告指出:“该产品系列旨在满足全球客户的需求。因此,它在全球范围内取得了成功,显然有助于我们将全球低压驱动器的市场份额提高到2007年的18.1%。”



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