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The effect of particle size distribution on an experimental glass-ionomer cement


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Objectives. The role of particle size and size distribution of glass powders in glass-ionomer cements (GICs) has been largely overlooked, being limited to demonstrations of the classical inverse size-strength relationship. This study investigated variation in properties of an experimental glass-ionomer cement when a combination of large ('Powder A') and small ('Powder B') particles was used. Methods. Large- (mean size 9.60 μm) and small-particle (3.34 μm) glass powders were blended in various proportions and mixed with powdered polyacrylic acid to make a range of glass-ionomer powders. These powders were mixed with a glass-ionomer liquid (SDI Ltd, Australia) at powder to liquid ratios of 2:1, 2.5:1, and 3:1, and the resultant cements evaluated for working time, setting time, clinical handling, and compressive strength. Results were analysed by ANOVA. Results. An increased proportion of smaller particles corresponded to higher strengths, and an increased proportion of larger particles with a decrease in viscosity of the unset cement. When 20-30% by weight of small particles was used, the paste demonstrated a peak in cohesion and working time, with a viscosity similar to commercial restorative GICs. Significance. Optimisation of particle sizing and distribution may thus lead to glass-ionomer cements with improved clinical handling characteristics and greater strength, which may increase the longevity of the restoration.
机译:目标。在玻璃离聚物水泥(GIC)中,玻璃粉的粒径和粒径分布的作用已被大大忽略,仅限于经典逆粒径-强度关系的证明。这项研究调查了使用大颗粒(“粉末A”)和小颗粒(“粉末B”)组合时实验性玻璃离聚物水泥的性能变化。方法。将大尺寸(平均尺寸9.60μm)和小尺寸(3.34μm)玻璃粉末混合,然后与粉状聚丙烯酸混合,制成一系列玻璃离聚物粉末。将这些粉末与玻璃离子聚合物液体(澳大利亚SDI Ltd)以粉末与液体的比例为2:1、2.5:1和3:1进行混合,并对所得水泥进行工作时间,凝固时间,临床处理,和抗压强度。通过ANOVA分析结果。结果。较小颗粒比例的增加对应于较高的强度,较大颗粒比例的增加对应于未固化水泥的粘度降低。当使用按重量计20%至30%的小颗粒时,该糊剂的内聚力和工作时间达到峰值,其粘度与商业修复性GIC相似。意义。颗粒尺寸和分布的优化可能因此导致具有改善的临床处理特性和更高强度的玻璃离聚物粘固剂,这可以增加修复体的寿命。



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