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Drone usage by militant groups: exploring variation in adoption


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Judging by recent media reporting and pronouncements by senior US military and security officials, the use of drones by militant groups is both reshaping conflict between armed non-state actors and state parties and now presents a grave and direct threat to nations in the West and elsewhere. But does this threat warrant the attention it is currently receiving? To answer this question, this article surveys how various militant groups have used drones both tactically on the battlefield and for wider strategic purposes. Closely examining how drones have been employed and by whom provides a basis for understanding variation in adoption. The article shows how drone usage or non-usage is highly contingent on the setting of the conflict, the aims of different groups, and the capacity of groups to adopt the technology. Though advances in drone technology could make the use-case more appealing for militant groups, drones will be subject to the same back-and-forth, techno-tactical adaptation dynamic between adversaries that have accompanied prior military innovations.
机译:从最近的媒体报道和美国高级军事和安全官员的声明来看,好战组织使用无人机既在重塑非国家武装力量与缔约国之间的冲突,又对西方国家和其他国家构成了严重而直接的威胁。 。但是,这种威胁是否值得引起其当前的关注?为了回答这个问题,本文调查了各种激进组织如何在战场上和更广泛的战略目的上使用无人机。仔细检查无人机的使用方式,以及由谁来提供,为理解采用的变化提供基础。这篇文章显示了无人机的使用或不使用如何高度取决于冲突的发生,不同群体的目的以及群体采用该技术的能力。尽管无人机技术的进步可以使用例对激进组织更具吸引力,但无人机将经受与先前军事创新相伴的敌手之间来回的,技术战术适应性变化。



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