首页> 外文期刊>Deep-Sea Research >Foraging insights from whisker isotopic signatures of southern elephant seals around the Antarctic Peninsula

Foraging insights from whisker isotopic signatures of southern elephant seals around the Antarctic Peninsula


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The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth and is home to a diverse and rich community of life, especially along its continental shelf. The biophysical characteristics that define these regions of highly localised productivity are associated with processes that are driven by climate. Climate changes will therefore potentially alter the oceanographic features and processes on which top predators rely to find their food. Studying the foraging behaviour of apex predators, such as southern elephant seals (SES), Mirounga leonina, is important during this time of rapid change to detect changes in prey availability. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (SI) analyses were performed to assess the dietary history (e.g. delta N-15) and infer the foraging habitat (e.g. delta C-13) on consecutive sections of whole whiskers from 119 southern elephant seals from Elephant Island (61 degrees 13'S 55 degrees 23'W) from all age and sex classes. Whisker SI values were spread over a large range, with delta C-13 and delta N-15 values varying from-23.21 to-16.344to (a 6.87 parts per thousand difference) and from 8.90%parts per thousand to 15.47%o (6.57 parts per thousand), respectively. SI analyses also confirmed marked differences in the feeding ecology of southern elephant seals according to sex (e.g. delta N-15 significantly different between sexes in adults, GLMM, p = 0.001) and age group (e.g. delta C-13 related to age classes in females, GLMM, p 0.001). Results suggest that yearlings foraged more frequently in the sub Antarctic zone whilst adult seals stayed south of the polar front and, adult and sub-adult males fed on higher trophic level prey than other sex and age classes. We discuss how these differences are likely a result of a combination of antra-specific competition, ontogenetic factors and resource distribution. Studying the degree and the ontogeny of individual specialisation within a population is a first step towards understanding its implications in various dimensions of ecological and evolutionary processes and hence for adapting to climate changes.
机译:南极半岛是地球上变暖最迅速的地区之一,是一个多样化而丰富的生物群落的家园,尤其是在其大陆架沿线。定义这些高度本地化生产力区域的生物物理特征与气候驱动的过程相关。因此,气候变化将潜在改变顶级捕食者赖以寻找食物的海洋学特征和过程。在这种快速变化的时期,研究尖齿天敌(例如南部象海豹(SES),Mirounga leonina)的觅食行为对于检测猎物可利用性的变化非常重要。进行了碳和氮稳定同位素(SI)分析,以评估饮食史(例如,N-15三角洲),并推断出来自象岛(Elephant Island)的119头南象海豹的全须的连续剖面上的觅食栖息地(例如,C-13三角洲)(所有年龄段和性别的人都在61度13'S在55度23'W)。晶须SI值分布在较大范围内,δC-13和δN-15值从23.21到16.34to(千分之6.87)和8.90%千分到15.47%o(6.57)不等千分之几)。 SI分析还证实,南部象海豹的摄食生态学根据性别(例如,成年男女性别之间的N-15差异显着,GLMM,p = 0.001)和年龄组(例如与年龄段相关的C-13差异)存在显着差异。女性,GLMM,p <0.001)。结果表明,一岁幼崽在南极洲带觅食的频率更高,而成年海豹则停留在极地锋以南,成年和成年雄性比其他性别和年龄级别的人具有更高的营养水平。我们讨论了这些差异可能是无特定性竞争,个体发育因素和资源分配相结合的结果。研究人口中个体专业化的程度和存在是迈向了解其在生态和进化过程各个方面的意义并因此适应气候变化的第一步。



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