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Throwing good money after bad


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An "investment bubble" is a period of "excessive, and predictably unprofitable, investment" (DeMarzo et al. in J Financ Econ 85:737-754,2007). Such bubbles most often accompany the arrival of some new technology, such as the tech stock boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s. We provide a rational explanation for investment bubbles based on the dynamics of learning in highly uncertain environments. Objective information about the earnings potential of a new technology gives rise to a set of priors or a belief function. A generalised form of Bayes' rule is used to update this set of priors using earnings data from the new economy. In each period, agents-who are heterogeneous in their tolerance for ambiguity-make optimal occupational choices, with wages in the new economy set to clear the labour market. A preponderance of bad news about the new technology may nevertheless give rise to increasing firm formation around this technology, at least initially. To a frequentist outside observer, the pattern of adoption appears as an investment bubble.
机译:“投资泡沫”是一段“过度的,可预见的,无利可图的投资”(DeMarzo等人在《金融经济学杂志》 85:737-754,2007)。这种泡沫通常伴随着一些新技术的到来,例如1990年代末和2000年代初的技术股繁荣与萧条。我们基于高度不确定的环境中的学习动态,为投资泡沫提供了合理的解释。有关一项新技术的潜在收益的客观信息会产生一系列先验或信念函数。贝叶斯规则的一般形式用于使用来自新经济的收益数据来更新这组先验。在每个时期,对歧义的容忍度各异的代理商会做出最佳的职业选择,而新经济中的工资将为劳动力市场扫清障碍。尽管如此,关于新技术的大量坏消息至少在最初可能会导致围绕该技术的公司形成不断增加。对于经常观察的外部观察者来说,采用的方式表现为投资泡沫。



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