首页> 外文期刊>Decisions in economics and finance >Reaching nirvana with a defaultable asset?

Reaching nirvana with a defaultable asset?


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We study the optimal dynamic portfolio exposure to predictable default risk, taking inspiration from the search for yield by means of defaultable assets observed before the 2007-2008 crisis and in its aftermath. Under no arbitrage, default risk is compensated by an 'yield pickup' that can strongly attract aggressive investors via an investment-horizon effect in their optimal non-myopic portfolios. We show it by stating the optimal dynamic portfolio problem of Kim and Omberg (Rev Financ Stud 9:141-161, 1996) for a defaultable risky asset and by rigorously proving the existence of nirvana-type solutions. We achieve such a contribution to the portfolio optimization literature by means of a careful, closed-form-yielding adaptation to our defaultable asset setting of the general convex duality approach of Kramkov and Schachermayer (Ann Appl Probab 9(3):904-950, 1999; Ann Appl Probab 13(4):1504-1516, 2003).
机译:我们研究了可预测违约风险的最优动态投资组合风险,并从2007-2008年危机之前及其后所观察到的可违约资产中获取了收益,从而获得了启发。在没有套利的情况下,违约风险可以通过“收益率提高”来补偿,这种收益率可以通过其最优非近视投资组合中的投资水平效应强烈吸引激进投资者。我们通过说明Kim和Omberg的最优动态投资组合问题(Rev Financ Stud 9:141-161,1996)并通过严格证明必不可少的类型的解决方案来证明这一点。通过对Kramkov和Schachermayer的一般凸对偶方法的可违约资产设置进行仔细的,封闭式收益调整,我们对投资组合优化文献做出了这样的贡献(Ann Appl Probab 9(3):904-950, 1999; Ann Appl Probab 13(4):1504-1516,2003)。



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