首页> 外文期刊>Decision support systems >Nonlinear ranking function representations in genetic programming-based ranking discovery for personalized search

Nonlinear ranking function representations in genetic programming-based ranking discovery for personalized search


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Ranking function is instrumental in affecting the performance of a search engine. Designing and optimizing a search engine's ranking function remains a daunting task for computer and information scientists. Recently, genetic programming (GP), a machine learning technique based on evolutionary theory, has shown promise in tackling this very difficult problem. Ranking functions discovered by GP have been found to be significantly better than many of the other existing ranking functions. However, current GP implementations for ranking function discovery are all designed utilizing the Vector Space model in which the same terra weighting strategy is applied to all terms in a document. This may not be an ideal representation scheme at the individual query level considering the fact that many query terms should play different roles in the final ranking. In this paper, we propose a novel nonlinear ranking function representation scheme and compare this new design to the well-known Vector Space model. We theoretically show that the new representation scheme subsumes the traditional Vector Space model representation scheme as a special case and hence allows for additional flexibility in term weighting. We test the new representation scheme with the GP-based discovery framework in a personalized search (information routing) context using a TREC web corpus. The experimental results show that the new ranking function representation design outperforms the traditional Vector Space model for GP-based ranking function discovery.
机译:排名功能有助于影响搜索引擎的性能。设计和优化搜索引擎的排名功能仍然是计算机和信息科学家的艰巨任务。最近,遗传编程(GP)是一种基于进化论的机器学习技术,在解决这一非常困难的问题方面显示出了希望。已发现GP发现的排名函数比许多其他现有排名函数要好得多。但是,当前用于排序功能发现的GP实现都是利用向量空间模型设计的,其中将相同的Terra加权策略应用于文档中的所有术语。考虑到许多查询词在最终排名中应扮演不同的角色,因此这在单个查询级别可能不是理想的表示方案。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的非线性排名函数表示方案,并将这一新设计与著名的向量空间模型进行了比较。我们从理论上表明,新的表示方案将传统的矢量空间模型表示方案作为一种特殊情况包含在内,因此在术语加权方面具有更大的灵活性。我们使用TREC Web语料库,在个性化搜索(信息路由)上下文中,使用基于GP的发现框架测试新的表示方案。实验结果表明,新的排序函数表示设计优于传统的基于GP的排序函数发现的矢量空间模型。



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