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Reification and deconstruction of Buddha nature in Chinese Chan


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Although much has been said about deconstruction in Madhyamika Bud- ndhism, very little has been done in the study of deconstructive strategy in nChan Buddhism. In his study of deconstruction in N~g~juna's thought, nRobert Magliola adds several passages that discuss the same topic in nChan/Zen Buddhism. Magliola's major contribution is his distinction be- ntween logocentric and differential trends in Chan/Zen Buddhism (Magliola: n96-7). This distinction allows us to take a fresh look at, and to re-examine, nthose inner struggles in the evolution of Chan Buddhist thought. However, nMagliola's study of deconstruction in Chan is not systematic, despite its ninsights. He uses only a few cases to show the deconstructive tendency in nChan, without applying his distinction to a closer examination of the dif- nferent schools of Chan thought. Thus, his study leaves only the impression nthat the deconstructive or differential trend is connected with the Southern nSchool of Chart. He does not justify this thesis through a closer doctrinal and ntextual-contextual investigation.
机译:尽管关于Madhyamika佛教中的解构主义的说法很多,但是在研究nChan佛教中的解构主义策略方面却做得很少。 n罗伯特·马格里奥拉在对恩朱纳思想的解构研究中,增加了几篇讨论禅宗/禅宗中同一主题的文章。 Magliola的主要贡献在于他在禅宗/禅宗佛教的徽标中心趋势和差异趋势之间有所区别(Magliola:n96-7)。这种区别使我们可以重新审视和重新审视禅宗佛教思想演变过程中的内心挣扎。然而,尽管nMagliola有敏锐的见识,但他对Chan的解构主义的研究并不系统。他仅使用少数几个案例来显示nChan的解构主义趋势,而没有将他的区分应用于对Chan思想的不同流派的仔细研究。因此,他的研究仅给人留下这样的印象,即解构性或差异性趋势与南图大学有关。他没有通过更深入的理论研究和非语境研究来证明这一论点。



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