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Confucian Ethics, Public Policy, and the Nurse-Family Partnership


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The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a thirty-year program of research in the United States focused on early childhood preventive intervention, offers a powerful example of the kinds of programs and public policies that Confucian understandings of parent–child relationships and moral cultivation might recommend in contemporary societies today. NFP findings, as well as its theoretical foundations, lend empirical support to early Confucian views of the role of parent–child relationships in human moral development, the nature and possibility of moral self-cultivation, and the task of creating and sustaining a good society, which gives philosophers who are interested in ethical claims that reflect and inform actual practice good reasons to take Confucian ethics seriously. Additionally, the evidence provided by the NFP and early Confucian accounts can both be used to promote social change, which highlights how the sciences and the humanities can work together in complementary ways to address societal problems.
机译:护士与家庭伙伴关系(NFP)是一项为期30年的美国研究计划,专注于幼儿预防干预,为儒家对亲子关系和道德养育的理解提供了有力的范例和方案可能会推荐给当今的社会。 NFP的发现及其理论基础为儒家关于亲子关系在人类道德发展中的作用,道德修养的性质和可能性以及建立和维持良好社会的任务的早期观点提供了经验支持。 ,这使对伦理主张感兴趣的哲学家有充分的理由来反映和告知实际做法,以认真对待儒家伦理。此外,由NFP和早期儒家提供的证据都可以用来促进社会变革,这突显了科学和人文科学如何以互补的方式共同解决社会问题。



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