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Virtual Iraq: Vr Ptsd Exposure Therapy With Active Duty Iraq War Combatants

机译:虚拟伊拉克:现役伊拉克战争战斗人员的Vr Ptsd暴露疗法

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sonnel. In the first systematic study of mental health problems due to the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts, results indicated that, "The percentage of study subjects whose responses met the screening criteria for major depression, generalized anxiety, or PTSD was significantly higher after duty in Iraq (15.6 to 17.1 percent) than after duty in Afghanistan (11.2 percent) or before deployment to Iraq (9.3 percent)" (Hoge et al., 2004). Among the many approaches that have been used to treat persons with PTSD, graduated exposure therapy appears to have the best-documented therapeutic efficacy (Rothbaum, 2001; Bryant et al., 2005; NAS Report, 2007).
机译:哨兵。在对伊拉克/阿富汗冲突造成的精神健康问题进行的第一项系统研究中,结果表明:“在伊拉克出勤后,其反应符合重度抑郁,广泛性焦虑或PTSD筛查标准的研究对象的百分比显着更高(比在阿富汗执勤后(11.2%)或部署到伊拉克前(9.3%)的高出15.6%至17.1%”(Hoge等,2004)。在用于治疗PTSD的众多方法中,渐进式暴露疗法似乎具有最有据可查的治疗效果(Rothbaum,2001; Bryant等,2005; NAS报告,2007)。



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