首页> 外文期刊>CyberPsychology & Behavior >Modulation of Excitability in the Temporoparietal Junction Relieves Virtual Reality Sickness

Modulation of Excitability in the Temporoparietal Junction Relieves Virtual Reality Sickness


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Virtual reality (VR) immersion often provokes subjective discomfort and postural instability, so called VR sickness. The neural mechanism of VR sickness is speculated to be related to visual-vestibular information mismatch and/or postural instability. However, the approaches proposed to relieve VR sickness through modulation of brain activity are poorly understood. Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we aimed to investigate whether VR sickness could be relieved by the modulation of cortical excitability in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), which is known to be involved in processing of both vestibular and visual information. Twenty healthy subjects received tDCS over right TPJ before VR immersion. The order of the three types of tDCS (anodal, cathodal, and sham) was counterbalanced across subjects. We evaluated the subjective symptoms, heart rate, and center of pressure at baseline, after tDCS, and after VR immersion. VR immersion using head-mounted displays provoked subjective discomfort and postural instability. However, anodal tDCS over right TPJ ameliorated subjective disorientation symptoms and postural instability induced by VR immersion compared with sham condition. The amelioration of VR sickness by anodal tDCS over the right TPJ might result from relief of the sensory conflict and/or facilitation of vestibular function. Our result not only has potential clinical implications for the neuromodulation approach of VR sickness but also implies a causal role of the TPJ in VR sickness.
机译:虚拟现实(VR)浸入通常会引起主观不适和姿势不稳,即所谓的VR病。推测VR疾病的神经机制与视觉-前庭信息不匹配和/或姿势不稳有关。但是,人们对通过调节大脑活动来缓解VR疾病的方法知之甚少。我们使用经颅直流电刺激(tDCS),旨在研究是否可以通过调节颞顶rie结(TPJ)中的皮质兴奋性来缓解VR疾病,而颞叶顶结(TPJ)参与了前庭和视觉信息的处理。 20名健康受试者在VR浸入之前通过正确的TPJ接受了tDCS。三种tDCS(阳极,阴极和假)的顺序在对象之间是平衡的。我们评估了基线,tDCS后和VR浸泡后的主观症状,心率和压力中心。使用头戴式显示器进行VR浸泡会引起主观不适和姿势不稳。然而,与假手术相比,右TPJ上的阳极tDCS改善了VR浸入引起的主观迷失症状和姿势不稳。右侧tJS上的肛门tDCS改善了VR疾病,可能是由于感觉冲突的缓解和/或前庭功能的改善。我们的结果不仅对VR疾病的神经调节方法具有潜在的临床意义,而且还暗示了TPJ在VR疾病中的因果作用。



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