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Speech Recognition for the Contact Center


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In today's competitive marketplace, con-tact centers everywhere are installing speech recognition systems to improve their responsiveness to customers. Should you deploy a speech solution in your contact center? The following questions may help you decide. 1. Do callers wait in long queues to perform simple transactions such as address changes? 2. Do your agents spend valuable time identifying callers, an- swering simple ques-tions and routing calls when they should be providing greater value to customers? 3. Do your customers call while driving, so they have to navigate through touch-tone menus with one hand, without looking at their matchbox-sized phones? 4. Are you looking for new ways to differentiate your business from your competitors, retain your existing customers and acquire new ones?
机译:在当今竞争激烈的市场中,各地的联系中心都在安装语音识别系统,以提高其对客户的响应能力。您是否应该在联络中心部署语音解决方案?以下问题可以帮助您做出决定。 1.呼叫者是否在长队中等待执行简单的交易,例如地址更改? 2.您的代理商在为客户提供更大价值时,是否会花费宝贵的时间来识别呼叫者,回答简单的问题并路由呼叫? 3.您的客户在开车时是否打来电话,因此他们不得不用一只手浏览按键式菜单,而无需查看火柴盒大小的电话? 4.您是否正在寻找新方法来使您的业务与竞争对手区分开来,保留现有客户并获得新客户?



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