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The Fits-Like-A-Glove model and destination activities of Slow Food members


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How do tourists decide whether to undertake destination activities that are similar or different to those they usually do at home? Based on in-depth interviews, this paper examines activities at home and in the destination undertaken by members of the Slow Food movement. The results suggest their food activities were similar at home and in the destination. The Fits-Like-A-Glove model provides a theoretical explanation of this behaviour as it views each individual choice as influenced by habitus, that is, in the moment of decision-making, the individual depends on prior social and historical forces that shape his/her experience. Slow Food members were influenced by their habitus to choose their destination activities. This model is recommended for future studies to explore the relationship between activities at home and in the destination of other interest groups.
机译:游客如何决定是否进行与他们通常在家中进行的目的地活动类似或不同的目的地活动?在深入访谈的基础上,本文考察了慢食运动成员在国内和目的地进行的活动。结果表明,他们的饮食活动在国内和目的地都相似。 Fits-Like-A-Glove模型为这种行为提供了理论解释,因为该模型将每个个人选择视为受习惯的影响,也就是说,在决策时,个人依赖于塑造其习惯的先前社会和历史力量。 /她的经验。慢食会员受其习惯选择目的地活动的影响。建议将此模型用于将来的研究,以探索在家中和其他兴趣群体的目的地之间的活动之间的关系。



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