首页> 外文期刊>Cultural Geographies >Considering Matthew Shepard: normative and anti-normative queer spatial narratives and the politics of performance in choral music

Considering Matthew Shepard: normative and anti-normative queer spatial narratives and the politics of performance in choral music

机译:考虑马修·谢泼德(Matthew Shepard):规范性和反规范性的奇怪叙事空间以及合唱音乐的表演政治

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I present a cultural geographical analysis of the recent choral composition Considering Matthew Shepard. I explore the cultural, musical, and emotional geographies of this piece of music, in terms of its content and my experience of rehearsing and then performing the piece as a member of the choir. Drawing on cultural geography, musical geography, and queer theory, I argue that the memorializing of Matthew Shepard's killing through this musical setting both repeats and challenges the normative popular and academic framings of Shepard's murder and, more generally, queer critiques of the memorialization and historicization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pasts. I explore this by examining three spatial themes in Considering Matthew Shepard: its representations of (1) Wyoming, (2) the fence (where Shepard was left by his assailants), and (3) universality. I also point to what musical geographies might gain in looking more closely at choral music performance.
机译:我介绍了考虑马修·谢泼德(Matthew Shepard)的近期合唱作品的文化地理分析。我会根据音乐的内容和我排练然后作为合唱团成员演出的经验,来探索这首音乐的文化,音乐和情感地理。利用文化地理学,音乐地理学和酷儿理论,我认为通过这种音乐背景来纪念马修·谢泼德的杀戮既重复又挑战了谢泼德谋杀的规范性流行和学术框架,并且更普遍地是对纪念性和历史性的酷儿批评女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性者和酷儿的过去。我通过研究《考虑马修·谢泼德》中的三个空间主题来探讨这一问题:(1)怀俄明州;(2)篱笆(谢泼德被凶手留下的地方);(3)普遍性。我还指出了音乐地理学在更仔细地观察合唱音乐表演方面可能会获得什么。



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