首页> 外文期刊>Crop and Pasture Science >The long-term impact of nitrogen fertiliser on perennial ryegrass tiller and white clover growing point densities in grazed dairy pastures in south-western Victoria

The long-term impact of nitrogen fertiliser on perennial ryegrass tiller and white clover growing point densities in grazed dairy pastures in south-western Victoria


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A 3-year grazing experiment determined the impact of multiple applications of different rates of nitrogen (N) fertiliser, applied over autumn and winter in 1997, 1998, and 1999, on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)/white clover (Trifolium repens) tiller and growing point densities (stolon apices with at least 2 nodes). Annual pasture dry matter (DM) yields were also monitored. Four treatments were replicated 3 times in a randomised block design and included: 0 N (A); 3 applications of 25 kg N/ha (B); 3 applications of 50 kg N/ha (C); and 3 applications of 75 kg N/ha (D). Urea (46% N) was the N source. Grazing of treatment plots occurred at a pre-grazing herbage mass of 2200–2500 kg DM/ha.nnOver 3 years, N applications consistently increased annual pasture DM yields by 0.9–3.3 t/ha when a total of 75–225 kg N/ha was applied annually.nnGenerally, treatments B, C, and D resulted in higher perennial ryegrass tiller densities than treatment A. An exception occurred from July 1998 in Year 2 to July 1999 in Year 3, when all perennial ryegrass densities were similar. Nitrogen fertiliser generally produced no consistent effect on white clover growing point density, with the exception of July–December in Year 2 when treatments B, C, and D resulted in lower growing point densities than treatment A. Clover growing point density decreased over the trial period irrespective of treatment. There were no N fertiliser effects on 'other' grasses and broadleaved weeds. 'Other' grasses (mainly winter grass, Poa annua) did, however, peak in density (up to 2500 tillers/m2) from July to September each year.
机译:一项为期3年的放牧实验确定了分别于1997、1998和1999年秋冬季冬季多次施用不同氮肥比例对多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)/白三叶草(Trifolium repens)分till的影响和生长点密度(至少2个结点的sto茎顶点)。还监测了年牧场干物质(DM)的产量。四种治疗在随机区组设计中重复3次,包括:0 N(A); 25 kg N / ha(B)3次施用; 50 kg N / ha(C)3次施用; 3次施用75千克N / ha(D)。尿素(46%的氮)是氮源。在放牧前的牧草质量为2200–2500 kg DM / ha的情况下放牧处理区。nn三年来,氮肥的施用总量持续达到75–225 kg DM / ha时,持续增加牧草的年DM产量0.9-3.3 t / ha。通常,处理B,C和D导致多年生黑麦草分er密度高于处理A。1998年7月的第2年到1999年7月的第3年出现例外,当时所有多年生黑麦草的密度都相似。氮肥一般不会对白三叶草的生长点密度产生一致的影响,但第2年的7-12月时,处理B,C和D的生长点密度低于处理A。三叶草的生长点密度在试验中降低了期限,与治疗无关。氮肥对“其他”草和阔叶杂草没有影响。但是,每年7月至9月,“其他”草(主要是冬草,Poa annua)的密度(最高2500 till / m2)达到峰值。



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