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Kant’s hands, spatial orientation, and the Copernican turn


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In this paper we want to show how far the early, pre-critical Kant develops a theory of the constitution of space that not only anticipates insights usually attributed to the phenomenological theory of lived space with its emphasis on the constitutively central role of the human lived-body, but which also establishes the foundation for Kant’s Copernican turn according to which space is understood as ‘form of intuition’, implied in the activity of the transcendental subject. The key to understand this role of the body lies in Kant’s understanding of the asymmetrical nature of a pair of hands, which despite being equal in size and structure, remain incongruent counterparts, and thus evade integration into a homogenous and purely self-referential form of space.
机译:在本文中,我们要展示的是,早期的,批判性的康德发展了空间构成理论,该理论不仅预期通常归因于生命空间现象学理论的见解,而且侧重于人类生命的构成性中心作用。 -身体,但也为康德的哥白尼式转向奠定了基础,根据该空间,空间被理解为“直觉的形式”,隐含在先验主体的活动中。理解身体这一作用的关键在于康德对两只手的不对称本质的理解,尽管它们的大小和结构相同,但它们的对应性却不一致,因此逃避了整合成同构的,纯粹自指的形式。空间。



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