首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary Justice Review >Teaching to shift people's thinking toward peace: the relevance of Colman McCarthy's work for peacemaking criminology

Teaching to shift people's thinking toward peace: the relevance of Colman McCarthy's work for peacemaking criminology

机译:教人们将思想转变为和平:科尔曼·麦卡锡(Colman McCarthy)的工作对建立和平犯罪学的意义

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Peacemaking criminology is often conceived as a theoretical perspective built upon linkages between religious, feminist, and critical traditions. Equally important in peacemaking criminology is its teaching tradition, which promotes educating people about the values of peace, integration, cooperation, and caring over the values of control, repression, power, and domination. Teaching from a peacemaking perspective has generally involved efforts to design crime-related courses that feature core concepts, readings, and policies within peacemaking criminology writings. However, such peacemaking teaching and writings have not commonly provided a central focus upon what needs to be taught to shift people's thinking. This article thereby illustrates the work of peace educator Colman McCarthy, whose teaching experiences in high schools and universities are predicated upon influencing teenagers and young adults to embrace the idea that nothing can matter more than the struggle for and embracing of peace. This article also explores the ways in which Colman McCarthy's books, I'd Rather Teach Peace and All of One Peace: Essays on Nonviolence, offer a foundation to help people shift their thinking toward a culture of nonviolence and peace.
机译:建立和平犯罪学通常被认为是建立在宗教,女权主义和批判传统之间联系的理论观点上的。在建立和平犯罪学中,同样重要的是它的教学传统,它促进人们对和平,融合,合作的价值观以及对控制,压制,权力和统治的价值观的关心。从缔造和平的角度讲授课程通常涉及设计与犯罪有关的课程,这些课程以缔造和平的犯罪学著作中的核心概念,读物和政策为特色。但是,这种建立和平的教学和著作并没有普遍集中在需要改变人们思想的教学上。因此,本文说明了和平教育者科尔曼·麦卡锡(Colman McCarthy)的工作,他在中学和大学的教学经验是基于影响青少年和年轻人而接受的,即为和平而奋斗和拥抱就没有什么要紧。本文还探讨了科尔曼·麦卡锡(Colman McCarthy)的书《我宁愿讲授和平与所有和平:非暴力散文》,为帮助人们将思想转向非暴力与和平文化奠定了基础。



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