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LEEDing construction safety a Natural Step


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After the sixth construction worker in six months died at the $9.2 billion MGM Mirage CityCenter construction site, workers went on strike citing conditions were unsafe and Perini Building Co. was being unresponsive. It lasted only one day, but the larg-est-ever safety related strike in Las Vegas at the largest-ever private construction project in the United States attracted national attention. I was in Las Vegas at the time, and witnessed a tableau of 20 or so unmoving cranes looming over a complex conglomeration of structural steel and partially clad towers, animated only by an ant-like march of picketers. The words "safe" and "safety" appear only one time each, and both in reference to lighting design. The draft of LEED 2009 under public review does not enhance LEED's concern for work-site safety. There exist measures that LEED easily can adopt, such as OSHA 29 CFR 1926, "Safety and Health Regulations for Construction." And there is precedence. Sweden's Natural Step framework for sustainability, which is gaining legs in the United States and has been talked about being adopted by LEED, addresses safety indirectly. The fourth of its four Framework elements states, "In a sustainable society, people are not subject to conditions that systematically undermine their capacity to meet their needs." Workers being subjected to unsafe or unhealthy conditions on a green-building construction site, being paid unfairly low wages, or being subjected to discriminatory practices, conflicts with this criterion.
机译:在六个月内第六名建筑工人在价值92亿美元的米高梅幻影城中心(MGM Mirage CityCenter)建筑工地死亡后,工人发动罢工,理由是条件不安全,佩里尼建筑公司对此反应迟钝。它只持续了一天,但是在美国有史以来最大的私人建筑项目上,拉斯维加斯有史以来最大的安全相关罢工引起了全国关注。当时我在拉斯维加斯,亲眼目睹了大约20辆不动的起重机,笼罩着复杂的钢结构建筑和部分包层的塔楼,只有一群蚂蚁般的拾音器才使人动弹不得。涉及照明设计时,“安全”和“安全”一词仅出现一次。公开审核的LEED 2009草案并未增强LEED对工作现场安全的关注。 LEED可以轻松采用一些措施,例如OSHA 29 CFR 1926,“建筑安全与健康规定”。并且有优先权。瑞典的“可持续性自然阶梯”框架在美国日益受到关注,并且一直被LEED采纳,该框架间接提到了安全问题。该框架的四个要素中的第四个要素是:“在可持续发展的社会中,人们所受的条件不会系统地削弱其满足其需求的能力。”在绿色建筑工地上遭受不安全或不健康状况的工人,工资过低的不公平待遇或受到歧视性待遇的工人与该标准相抵触。



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