
When the green fad fades


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A few years ago, I was moderating a panel discussion on green buildings at an ASHRAE meeting of the Cleveland chapter, when after a few hours of dithering discussions on costs, benefits, and performance data, an engineer in the audience piped up and said, "If green were to just become fashionable, people would buy it." Well, thanks a lot, buddy. The green movement has indeed become faddish and fashionable. Green is gold, the new black, and the new denim. Some are even wrapping the red, white, and blue in green. With all this green, the movement has become a gag reflex. Who could be surprised? This is, afterall, America, where media coverage and public sentiment can ramp up from scarcity and ambivalence spanning years to saturation and fervor overnight. What shifted the paradigm, moving green's cheese past the tipping point? Was it Vanity Fair's "Special Green Issue" of April 2006, which featured Julia Roberts, George Clooney, and Al Gore on the cover? Or was it in 2003 at the Academy Awards when Harrison Ford and other Hollywood stars hatched out of chauffeur-driven Priuses? Or did the tens of thousands of LEED APs and Greenbuild attendees make a difference en masse? The origin matters not; what's more important is what will happen when the fad fades.
机译:几年前,在克利夫兰分会的ASHRAE会议上,我主持了一次关于绿色建筑的小组讨论,当时,在经过数小时的关于成本,收益和性能数据的讨论之后,听众中的一位工程师表示, “如果绿色只是变得流行,人们就会买它。”好,非常感谢,伙计。绿色运动的确变得时尚和时髦。绿色是金色,新是黑色,新是牛仔布。有些甚至将红色,白色和蓝色包裹为绿色。有了所有这些绿色,机芯已成为堵嘴反射。谁会感到惊讶?毕竟,这是美国,那里的媒体报道和公众情绪可能会从多年来的稀缺性和矛盾情绪激增到一夜之间变得饱和和充满热情。是什么改变了范式,使格林的奶酪越过了临界点?是2006年4月的名利场(Vanity Fair)的“特别绿色发行”,封面是朱莉娅·罗伯茨,乔治·克鲁尼和阿尔·戈尔吗?还是在2003年的奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼上,哈里森·福特和其他好莱坞巨星摆脱了由司机推动的普锐斯(Priuses)的孵化?还是成千上万的LEED AP和Greenbuild参加者大为改变了?起源无关紧要;更重要的是当时尚消逝时会发生什么。



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