首页> 外文期刊>Construction and Building Materials >Application of sonic and radar tests on the piers and walls of the Cathedral of Noto

Application of sonic and radar tests on the piers and walls of the Cathedral of Noto


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The authors applied systematically sonic tests, radar tests and other diagnostic techniques on the remaining walls and piers of the Cathedral of Noto. The experimental survey was carried out by the Laboratory of the DIS, Politecnico of Milan (Person in Charge: Prof. Binda, Prof. Baronio) in collaboration with the designers (Ing. R. De Benedictis, Arch. S. Tringali) and the experts working on the reconstruction. The Prefettura of Siracusa founded the research. The right aisle and most of the dome of the Cathedral collapsed in 1996. The aim of the research was to verify the state of damage and the possibility of conservation of the walls and piers in view of the reconstruction of the damaged part of the Cathedral. Furthermore, the sonic tests were used to control the effect of grout injection used as a possible technique for repair of the damaged masonry (Proceedings of the Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Structures and Materials, Boulder, Colorado; (1993) 329; Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, 3 (1995) 195). In the following the results will be reported and the reliability of the tests will be discussed as it was confirmed by the use of other complementary diagnosis techniques (Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings, STREMAH 99, Dresden, Germany, (1999) 323).
机译:作者在诺托大教堂的其余墙壁和码头上系统地应用了声音测试,雷达测试和其他诊断技术。实验调查由米兰Politecnico的DIS实验室(负责人:Binda教授,Baronio教授)与设计师(Ing。R. De Benedictis,Arch。S. Tringali)和设计师合作进行。重建专家。锡拉库扎州的Prefettura创立了这项研究。大教堂的右过道和大部分圆顶在1996年倒塌了。研究的目的是,鉴于大教堂受损部分的重建情况,核实损坏的状态以及保护墙壁和墩台的可能性。此外,使用声波测试来控制注浆的效果,该注浆是修复受损砖石的一种可行技术(美国科罗拉多州博尔德市,土木结构与材料非破坏性评估会议论文集;(1993)329;第六届结构性故障与维修会议,1995年,第3期,第195页)。接下来,将报告结果,并讨论测试的可靠性,并通过使用其他互补的诊断技术加以证实(第六届国际历史建筑研究,维修和维护国际会议论文集,STREMAH 99,德国德累斯顿(1999)323)。



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