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Mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating quarry dust powder, silica fume or fly ash


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This paper presents the results of a study conducted to evaluate the mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) prepared using quarry dust powder (QDP), silica fume (SF) plus QDP or only fly ash (FA). Trials were conducted to assess the proportions of QDP, SF + QDP or FA required for producing SCC meeting the flow criteria. SCC specimens were prepared and tested for compressive strength, pulse velocity, split tensile strength and flexural strength. The results indicated that the mechanical properties of SCC incorporating QDP (8-10%) were equal to or better than those of SCC prepared with either SF plus QDP or FA alone. The use of QDP alone results in a significant cost saving in regions where SF and FA have to be imported from other countries.
机译:本文介绍了一项研究结果,以评估使用采石场粉尘(QDP),硅粉(SF)加QDP或仅使用粉煤灰(FA)制备的自密实混凝土(SCC)的力学性能。进行了试验以评估生产符合流量标准的SCC所需的QDP,SF + QDP或FA的比例。制备SCC样品并测试其抗压强度,脉冲速度,劈裂抗张强度和弯曲强度。结果表明,掺入QDP的SCC的机械性能(8-10%)等于或优于单独加SF加QDP或FA制备的SCC的机械性能。在必须从其他国家进口SF和FA的地区,仅使用QDP可以显着节省成本。



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