首页> 外文期刊>Conservation Genetics >Population structure and loss of genetic diversity in the endangered white-headed duck, Oxyura leucocephala

Population structure and loss of genetic diversity in the endangered white-headed duck, Oxyura leucocephala

机译:濒危白头鸭Oxyura leucocephala的种群结构和遗传多样性丧失

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The white-headed duck is a globally threatened species native to the Palaearctic with a range extending from Spain in the west to the western edge of China in the east. Its populations have become fragmented and undergone major declines in recent decades. To study genetic differences between populations across the range and change in genetic diversity over time, we sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region from 67 museum specimens (years 1861–1976) as well as 39 contemporary samples from Spain and seven from Greece (years 1992–2003). In the historical sample, we found a lack of significant genetic structure between populations in different areas. We found evidence that the species experienced a rapid expansion in the past, perhaps from glacial refugia centred around the Mediterranean following the last ice age. In Spain, the population went through a dramatic bottleneck in the 1970s and early 1980s, when only a few dozens individuals remained in the wild. Although population size has since recovered to a few thousand individuals, we found a highly significant loss of mitochondrial haplotype diversity between the historical and contemporary samples. Given ongoing declines in other areas, losses in genetic diversity that may reduce the adaptive potential of white-headed ducks in the future are a continuing concern throughout the geographic range of this species.
机译:白头鸭是古生物中的一种受全球威胁的物种,范围从西部的西班牙到东部的中国西部。近几十年来,其人口已变得零散,并经历了重大下降。为了研究跨种群的遗传差异以及遗传多样性随时间的变化,我们从67个博物馆标本(1861年至1976年)以及西班牙的39个现代样本和希腊的7个( 1992年至2003年)。在历史样本中,我们发现不同地区的人群之间缺乏重要的遗传结构。我们发现有证据表明,该物种在过去经历了快速扩张,这可能是由于上一个冰河时代之后围绕地中海的冰川避难所造成的。在西班牙,人口在1970年代和1980年代初经历了巨大的瓶颈,当时只有几十个人仍在野外。尽管此后人口数量已恢复到几千人,但我们发现历史样本和当代样本之间线粒体单倍型多样性的丧失非常明显。考虑到其他地区的持续下降,遗传多样性的丧失可能会降低今后白头鸭的适应潜力,这在该物种的整个地理范围内都是一个持续关注的问题。



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