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Demystifying The Mid


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Mobile Internet devices could be the wave of the future - if everyone could agree on what they are. These elusive gadgets - not quite smartphones and not quite PCs -have even been seen by some as nothing more than a marketing ploy by processor vendors. This new class of handheld computing and Web-surfing devices grows and shrinks depending on who's offering the definition, but it seems that most manufacturers, wireless operators and analysts are looking toward the middle. Several devices, including Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iPod Touch, have been declared MIDs by someone or another, but the market becomes more discerning when broken down. MIDs on the global market today include the Archos 7, the flagship media tablet from Archos that offers instantaneous access to a full Web browsing experience on its 5-inch, high-resolution screen.
机译:如果每个人都可以同意它们的外观,那么移动互联网设备可能会成为未来的潮流。这些难以捉摸的小工具-不仅是智能手机,还不是PC-甚至被处理器供应商视为一种营销手段。这种新型的手持式计算和网络冲浪设备会根据提供此定义的人的不同而增长和缩小,但似乎大多数制造商,无线运营商和分析人士都将目光瞄准了中间位置。某些设备,包括亚马逊的Kindle和苹果的iPod Touch,已经被某人或其他人宣布为MID,但是当细分时,市场变得更加挑剔。当今全球市场上的MID包括Archos 7,这是Archos的旗舰媒体平板电脑,可在其5英寸高分辨率屏幕上即时访问完整的Web浏览体验。



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