首页> 外文期刊>Concurrency and Computation >A novel social network access control model using logical authorization language in cloud computing

A novel social network access control model using logical authorization language in cloud computing


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Current rapid increasing implementations in data diversity, autonomy, and dynamic privilege management,rnfine-grained access controls in social networks have resulted in various challenges in applying existingrnaccess control models. The intercrossing relations lead to the complex access control system, which oftenrnbrings risks when the system is updated or expanded. The implementations of cloud computing has furtherrncomplicate the access controls due to multiple tenancies and service providers. We focus on this issuernand propose a new social network access control model using logical authorization language, named asrnRuleSN, which can be efficiently used in cloud systems. This model provides high performance of authorizationrnexpressiveness and flexibility that can effectively describe relations of User to User (U2U), Userrnto Resource (U2R), Resource to Resource (R2R) and attributes of users and resources. First, this paperrnelaborates the formal definitions of the RuleSN model. Second, we describe the model’s authorization specificationrnand verification policies and explain the syntax and semantics of the authorization language. Finally,rnthe implementation, application, and expressiveness of the model discussed by examples.



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